Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How To Tap Into Massive Sources Of Traffic With Virtually No Competition

Writen by Jack Humphrey

Things haven't been this perfect for a long time. In fact, not since one of the big engines really started to take off, when those who were lucky enough to be already seated firmly in the Top 10 for their keywords, has there been such a plethora of new traffic opportunities.

The internet marketing world has become multi-dimensional in ways that are surprising to most people who are still hooked on search engine marketing as their sole website promotion strategy.

Here are the new avenues of traffic that most people are NOT taking advantage of outside of the big companies and a handful of savvy marketers:

1. Podcasting

While it was "the word of the year" for 2005, most people still have no idea what Podcasting is really about outside of being able to download music at

And, frankly, it's because the people who "get it" are, for the first time ever, keeping quiet about it! Or at least keeping the information of how they are profiting wildly with Podcasting behind closed doors and in small groups.

And I am not going to get too far into it here for the same reason as the others: I don't want the competition that will be here by the end of 2006 to come any earlier because I blabbed about how it is done in public!

Sorry, but you will have to pay something to become a millionaire using this information!

But I will give you a clue. Go to and download the free software that allows you to, yes, download music. But ignore that part for a minute.

With the iTunes software you can grab Podcasts from major news organizations and tiny garage websites mostly focusing on short comic bits.

Pay attention to what you are NOT seeing. One thing is there isn't a lot of video Podcasts - period. Not even comedy! And there are no how-to podcasts save a couple from the people I talked about above.

The savvy marketers are already in the game and getting traffic from a source all other marketers seem to be totally discounting right now. To the tune of 6 million or so pairs of eyeballs dying to see and hear more content, especially video content, at alone!

Last year you could see the word "Podcasting" uttered thousands of times by marketers trying to gauge the buzz worthiness of it among their customer lists.

Well, without showing people how marketing with Podcasts is done, and with article marketing doing a great job of bringing people traffic in ways they COULD understand, not too many marketers really got into it.

We were lucky recently to have a guest speaker from none other than the Hawaiian Tropics site come in and talk to our clients about how easy it has been to blow away the likes of Playboy and other major competitors by offering their content through Podcasts.

We got to see the inner workings of a successful marketing campaign on a very very high level. And we gained valuable insight into how marketing with Podcasts can be done on the guerilla marketing level.

You watch. By the end of this year you will wish you started caring about including Podcasting in your marketing a year ago!

2. Audio and Video Syndication

Article syndication is not dead. It actually has yet to see its true "boom" period. I say that because until the content people syndicate gets MUCH better overall, we are basically using sophisticated software and networks to distribute garbage.

But as the article syndication industry slowly comes around to the fact that demanding good content is not going to hurt business, quite the opposite, there are new networks developing that will have us creating, syndicating and streaming much more audio and video around the web to promote our sites.

All-text content is wearing thin on the patience of surfers and possible customers. As the bigger sites lead the way (they almost always do when it comes to new web technology) we are seeing that our own customers, formerly content to read 15 page sales letters, are leaving for something more exciting.

As we all get used to the internet everyone promised us would be here long ago, we see that as we buy stuff and entertain ourselves on the web, we also expect small websites to measure up to the speed, excitement, movement and sound we see on many other sites today.

Less text. Much more multi-media. And as many different ways to access and consume content as we can possibly dream up. That is what's on the menu and the source of traffic is MASSIVE!

Think of all those people who left your all-text site in the last month without buying or clicking on a thing. Where exactly to you think they were headed? That's right. To sites with motion and sound to feed their brains without ruining their eyesight trying to read 10 point font at high resolution for 15 pages!

You have probably bought a product from a choice between a few different dealers just because the site was more engaging than the others. I know I have. And usually I buy from sites that look like they are really in business.

Any monkey can get a merchant account and slap up some text to sell a drop shipped product. I want to buy from people who take the time to take their business (and my credit card information) seriously! That means people who are into displaying information in formats other than all-text.

Audio and video editing and syndication tools have come a long long way in the last year. Anyone can get into the game and dominate in areas where the traffic is theirs for the taking because no one is competing with them for it yet!

So, after you are done writing your next article, while you are syndicating it around the web, make sure you remember that you are not done until you figure out ways to convert that article into an audio for your site or for a Podcast. Or a video script to power a how-to video for the same purpose.

Articles, audio, and video should become synonymous with syndication and traffic generation when thinking about your marketing campaign. Leaving any of them out of your marketing is going to cost you big time in 2006 and beyond!

Copyright 2006 Tale Chaser Publishing, Inc.

Jack Humphrey ( ) is the managing partner at Content Propulsion Lab. To learn more about how to propel your content around the web at the speed of sound, visit Content Propulsion Lab at

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Your Personal Fortune Is In Your Words

Writen by Ron Pioneer

What is the most important skill you can possess as an Internet Marketer?

Your words!

The words you choose to use in your ad copy, in your sales letters and on your website will determine your success in sales!

Improve your "word" skills daily. Read the ads that come to your mailbox (spam) and learn what words others are using to SELL their product. More important read your competitors ads. What words do they use to SELL their product?

Carl Jung did a study and has determined people fall into one of 4 groups:

1. Thinkers

2. Feelers

3. Sensors

4. Intuitors

Thinkers are detailed oriented, logical and their fear is criticism. They will check and recheck facts. Targeting this group you will need to use factual numbers, precise words outlining benefits of saving money and value for money spent. Be professional and conservative giving the thinker facts and space to make their decision.

Feelers are risk takers and highly competitive. Entrepreneurs and investors fall into this category. They are assertive and confident and do not have time to waste time. To target this group you will need to use "strength" words, saving time, money and appeal to health related issues. Be quick and confident with your words to attract a "feeler".

Sensors are idea people, advertising, writers...anything creative. People of this group are prone to buy "status". Use words that will make them feel important, well liked, and recognized. The sensors are into things that will help them become more organized, they like software and books. Approach this group with friendship, show you are not "all business".

The Intuitors are excellent listeners and patient. They are slow in making decisions. They are "comfort" people and if they are comfortable with you, will purchase from you. They are turned off by fast talking salespeople so you will need to make friends with them first, selling yourself and finding a common ground between you and them. Use comfort words.

Look at your product. Think about the above groups and write down words you feel would attract each group. Go to and, expand on the words you have written down. Avoid hype but find some words that will spice up your adcopy.

Do not try to sell your product in your ad. You are only writing to your target group to get them to take the next step. Use your email address or set up an autoresponder so you can capture the email address of your prospect, and to send them a more details of your offer. Use words that will appeal to each target group.

Create a picture in the readers mind. It's like telling a story, you have a beginning, a middle and an end. Your ad is a 'teaser' to get them to WANT to read your story. (know more about your product)

Finally, please follow "truth in advertising". Educate yourself on the FTC guidelines. Your product must be legal and you must be ethical and honest promoting your product. No amount of words can fix that!

The words you choose WILL sell your product...choose them well!

About The Author

Ron Pioneer

Learn more secrets in my website..

Monday, December 29, 2008

Why Your Internet Marketing Business Will Explode When You Use Audio As A Selling Tool

Writen by Michael Senoff

As someone who uses audio to sell with more than any other Internet media I always get people asking me why I don't use video. That video is the "wave of the future" for Internet marketing and why don't I use it?

It's a good question. And truth is I do use video for certain products. But if you are using audio to sell, and do it in a way where it is not so much a "sales pitch", but is more of a free report that gives good, solid information people can really use, then there is no need to mess around with other media.

Because with audio, you can reach those people who are in their cars a lot, who move around a lot. People who have time to maybe burn audio to a CD but don't have time to sit there and watch a video on their computer screen.

With audio, people are hearing your message, and being sold on your product (again, if you do it right, and make it a "disguised" sales pitch) when they are jogging, taking a shower, picking their kids up at school or riding their bike.

And, because audio is so convenient and easy, there is a much better chance of the person listening to your pitch multiple times. Unlike a video or book which time permits maybe one or two exposures -- max.

So the message is clear: audio is a great selling tool. And if you do it in a way where it is more information than "sales pitch" -- where people can learn and be educated on what you sell and feel like they are getting real value from it -- it can multiply the chances of you making the sale.

From what I can tell, you just don't get that from video or a book.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Effective Time Management Earns You More Money

Writen by Simon Weaver

In this article, "product" means any tangible product, digital products (ebooks and software) and services such as membership sites, web design and development, hosting, "print on demand" for ebooks, fulfillment for orders and so on.

By necessity you will spend time in each of these stages. Each stage will involve a learning phase and an action phase. It's important to identify clearly what stage of development you are currently working on and to focus on completing that stage.

1. Getting your product (acquisition).

Choose between your own product and an affiliate product.

This will involve identifying a demand using for example surveys or the popularity of search terms.

Key Point: Once you have your product you can stop spending time looking at other product possibilities for the time being.

2. Developing your product presentation.

Once you have chosen your product you will need to develop a presentation.

This will include your website primarily and can also include autoresponder sequences and a newsletter.

Key Points: Once your website and presentation process is completed you can move on to the promotion. You can always improve the presentation but once your presentation is "presentable" you should move on to promotion. Don't get caught up trying to make things perfect. Good, yes; perfect, no. The reality is things can always be changes. It does not matter if you have the best product in your niche and the best presentation if nobody knows about it. Give your presentation your best shot and then start promoting.

3. Promoting the product.

No matter now good your product and presentation are, you must get your presentation in front of your intended audience or nothing happens.

"We have to become better at promoting what we do than doing what we do."

This is where it is also important to be clear about what stage you are in. Remember, time is limited, so if you have already chosen your product and developed your presentation it is not productive to keep looking for products or spending a great deal of time "tweaking" your presentation.

Time can always be spent tweaking sales copy, images, layout, web presentation, upgrading or trying new software, investigating new product opportunities (before the current one is complete), improving design skills, keeping up with the changing web "standards"... The list can seem endless.

Key Point: Time is better spent developing a clear promotional strategy and putting it into action. Only when you are seeing results from your promotional activities should you consider altering your presentation (such as modifying headlines and sales copy) to assess how that affects conversion of prospects to customers.

Here are some examples:

- Write two newsletters each month
- Run a solo ad each week
- Purchase 500 double-optin subscribers each month
- Conduct a Pay Per Click campaign with $x budget each week/mont
- Make three new blog entries each week
- Create ten new web pages each week

Here are a few tips to keep you on track:

1. Name your project

You may name your project as a final name of the product or you may just give it a code name that means something to you.

2. Understand what part of the three step process you are in: Acquisition, presentation or promotion.

Here is a simple question to ask yourself to check if you are on track with your time budget, "What is this activity designed to do?" or perhaps, "What is the outcome of this activity?"

This will help you to identify if you are spending time in the wrong area at the wrong time.

3. Set up check lists to make sure everything is covered. Focus on completion.

4. Promotion: Clearly define your action steps.

5. Track the results or your promotional campaign in terms of traffic, click through rates, subscribers and purchasers. Include costs of conducting your campaign and compare that to your sales to determine your return on investment. It is only by tracking the results of the promotion that you will know how to effectively change the presentation for further testing.

A spreadsheet is an invaluable tool as a template for specifying your promotional campaign and also for tracking results, costs and return on investment. Adding in columns for each day of the week allows you to allocate your time so that all your promotions are covered in a time effective manner. This becomes your business gauge by which you assess the effectiveness of your promotional campaign.

Understanding the three stages of the business process and the stage you are in, using checklists and tracking your results using business gauges are the proven ways to maximize your time, your effectiveness and your profits.

Simon Weaver can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours! To learn more, visit:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Create Your Very Own Wellspring Of Profitable Ideas For Internet Marketing

Writen by Carrie McLain

Are you like me and you're beginning to see that creating income online through internet marketing is a golden opportunity? Something that we're at the forefront of, as it will just continue to grow as more and more people come online. And are you seeing that information is endless, and that people already consume huge amounts of information in the form of newspapers, magazines, books, professional journals, business journals, and on. People will never stop wanting information and if you can create information products (which is actually fairly easy to do once you learn how) to satisfy their information hunger in new ways they will gladly pay you for it.

One of the most fruitful areas of internet marketing is found in niche marketing. This is where it really gets fun! There are endless niches and as you beging doing some research you'll see what I mean.

There are many aspects to creating a successful online business, of which good ideas are just one; but please don't underestimate the power of having lots of good ideas that you can get excited about.

There are several great ways to generate a rich flow of ideas for niche marketing. One of the most important things to do is to keep a journal (it can be as simple as a notebook) handy to jot down your ideas as they occur to you. You can also use your computer. Just be sure to have one or the other handy so you don't miss any of your ideas. Your ideas may seem at first to just trickle in, but as you make some of the following idea generators habit, you'll be opening the flow.

You can generate ideas from time spent both online and off, and you'll want to do both to be most effective.

To stimulate ideas away from your computer, heighten your everyday awareness as you go about your life. Pay attention to advertisements you encounter. Who are they selling to? What are they selling? What angles are they using to sell it?

Another excellent thing to do is spend some time studying the magazine racks at a big bookstore like Borders or Barnes & Noble. Or at the grocery store or library. Generally, the larger the selection the more ideas you can come away with. Look for 3 or 4 magazines on the same subject. If you've found 3 or 4 on the same subject you're now aware of a trend. Read the magazines, look at the ads. You can see who the audience is and what they're interested in. You can see what is being advertised to them. Keep looking for trends of information wherever you are looking.

As for online research, there are many resources available. There are information product banks where they have articles, reports, and e-books available for resale. Browsing for an hour or so will give you lots of great ideas about what is selling well. Once again, look for trends. is a great place to start. You can also check out which in effect makes Clickbank searchable. Look at categories you have an interest in. Look at best-selling categories. Look for ways you could combine information into a new product of your own. Look for missing information that you could provide.

Also spend some time on, browsing their best-seller lists, seeing what's selling most in subjects of interest to you.

Another excellent resource available to you are online discussion groups. Many such groups exist and you can usually join them for free. Lots of times in these groups there are people with problems they're trying to solve. Listen in and see if you can come up with something to help them solve their problem.

You can also find some great ideas by going to web directories. These are like phone books or catalogs of the web. My favorite so far is which is catalogued by humans and kept up to date. No dead links or stale web pages! Browse here and spend some time at it.

Once you get some ideas from the outside in, you'll begin to get more ideas from the inside out. Keep that notebook handy!

These are some of the ideas I've been utilizing lately. I hope you find them as helpful as I have. Let's tap the abundance of the unique internet marketplace!

Wishing you abundance in all matters,

Carrie McLain

For many more ideas and to learn the complete nuts and bolts of successful online marketing get your free course at

Friday, December 26, 2008

Why Internet Marketing Sucks

Writen by Ben Settle

Do you think you know who your biggest, baddest and most sinister competitor is online? Believe it or not, it's not other marketers. It's not spam filters either. Nor is it the bad customers, sleazy business partners or time-suckers who try their hardest to control your life.

No, your biggest competitor is much worse -- much more dangerous and powerful -- than all those combined. In fact, all the above put together is like a kiss from your grandma compared to the sheer power and ruthlessness of the real competitor we all face when we do business online today.

Who is this vicious Internet "nemesis"?

The answer is simple: It's the endless amount of government red tape and bureaucratic meddling –- all the way from your local city ordinances to international law. It's true. The more government sticks its fingers in the pie…the more out of control the laws will get, the harder it will be for the smaller businesses to make money, and the more dangerous it will be to even try.

If you don't think it can happen to the Internet, think again. It's already happening. It's happened to every cheap media ever invented. From infomercials…to 900 numbers…to broadcast FAX…and now –- after the draconian "do not call" list here in the U.S. –- even the telephone. It's only a matter of time before some major roadblocks are thrown up for Internet marketers. Roadblocks that are going to put a serious damper on your ability to milk money from the Web.

Which is why I really believe people should work hard at mastering direct response marketing and copywriting first, and the Internet-specific stuff second. Just ask yourself, "what exactly would I do…how would my business survive…if the Internet was taken away from me tomorrow?" If you can't answer that question, then you need to study less Internet-specific tactics and more direct response marketing and copywriting tactics. Because if you have your head on straight about how direct response marketing works, then it won't matter what media you use.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we shouldn't use the Internet to make a ton of money. And I'm not saying people shouldn't keep up on the Internet tactics at the same time. That'd be foolish. Just don't rely on it exclusively. Recognize the Web for what it is: just one of many tools to sell and build a list of customers with.

In that respect, it's no different than running a small classified ad or dropping a letter in the mail. Sure, it's extremely fast and cheap. Sure you can literally make money online in less than five minutes if you know what you're doing. And sure you can instantly access tens of millions of people…for mere pocket change…you might never have been able to access before.

But to rely on the Internet exclusively could be very dangerous to you, your business and your income. Just ask all the people who were making millions of dollars per year using nothing but broadcast FAX or telemarketing. One day they were raking the money in hand over fist. The next they were out of business, living with their parents and parking cars for a living.

Ben Settle is an expert copywriter and direct marketer. If you liked this article then check out Ben's website at -- where you'll find over 500 pages of advertising ideas, strategies and tactics just like this one -- as well as rare swipe file ads and hot marketing information not easily found anywhere else.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Correct Approach To Online Marketing

Writen by David Bell

At the risk of sounding sensational, if you understand the concepts introduced in this article it could literally mean the difference between miserable failure and insane online profits for your business. I'm not talking about a magical formula that will guarantee success, but it's something that all online marketers need to understand...

If you spend $50 on advertising and it generates more than $50 in net profits, that's a good investment.

Simple right? Well, through the use of proper testing and a "scientific" approach to advertising, there's no reason you can't turn your original $50 ad into millions of dollars in profits. It's just a matter of developing a system that creates a profit, and then reinvesting your initial profits back into your business in order to further expand your advertising.

Assume that through proper tracking of your website traffic you're able to determine that 1 out of every 100 visitors to your site buys "Product X". Let's also assume that on the sale of every Product X you make a $50 profit. Do you see that any ad you buy which delivers more than 100 visitors to your site per $50 spent is a profitable investment? Promoting a site should be approached with this type of a scientific or mathematical attitude. Any advertising you do is either profitable or not, and you need to know which it is so you don't waste time and money.

Here's a somewhat simplistic strategy that you could use to get started:

1. Use a combination of free or low-cost strategies to promote your web site, generating initial traffic which will serve as a starting point.

2. Through proper tracking of your site, determine the exact "value" of a visitor in terms of dollars and sense. This is absolutely critical.

3. Utilize paid advertising that proves to be profitable according to step 2, based on the value of a visitor and the number of visitors generated.

4. Through ongoing testing, tracking, and tweaking, try to increase the value of a web site visitor as well as response to your advertising.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 as necessary - or forever. The power of this scientific or mathematical approach to web site promotion is that once you have completed the steps you will have an almost automated advertising campaign that can literally send you all the traffic you need. Rather than spending hours and hours each day promoting your site, you simply buy more advertising.

The bottom line is that there are only 24 hours in a day and there's only so much you can do during that time. Free advertising strategies can be effective, but normally, anything that's "free" is going to "cost" you time.

On the other hand, if you could spend $1,000 a day on advertising to make $1,000 a day in profits, without spending hours doing it, why wouldn't you just do that? It's not hard at all. Consider for example, where you can buy clickthroughs for as little as 1-25 cents.

That fits the formula quite nicely. Overture alone won't send you enough traffic to make you rich, but it's a good example of effectively promoting your site without spending much time doing it. And that's just one example of many! Give this 5-step scientific approach a try. If you find you just can't seem to make the formula work, there can only be a few reasons for it; either you're not advertising in the right places, your web site isn't doing its job, your profit margins are too low, or your product or service itself is the problem. Figure out which it is and you can't fail.

I hope this helps in your future marketing decisions.

David Bell

Advertising research and development center

# 1 Internet Marketing Agency -Online Advertising Agency

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Helpful Hints For The Internet Marketing Beginner

Writen by Scott Oliver

If you are not familiar with the world of internet marketing, it can seem very overwhelming. Promoting a business and web site is not easy for anyone, especially a beginner. However, learning a few common hints and tricks of the internet marketing world can ease the fear that every novice faces. In time, this newbie just may become an internet marketing guru. A basic internet marketing plan usually requires the business owner to discover the likes and dislikes of his target audience. What better way to find out how your customer feels about your website, than by using a survey! Surveys are the ideal internet marketing tool used to discover your customer's attitude towards your business and web site. Suggestions can be extremely helpful in determining what visitors think your lacks, what it needs, and what can be improved. Are you worried that visitors will not take the time to fill out a survey? Here is another excellent internet marketing tool; persuade your guests to fill out the questionnaire in exchange for free goodies. The word free can entice surfers to do anything!

Building a mailing list is a great internet marketing technique. Have a space of your web site where visitors have the option of signing up for your mailing list and newsletter. Creating and mailing out newsletters is another marketing method that is sure to generate many customers. By developing this newsletter, you are establishing and maintaining a relationship with your customers. This newsletter does not need to be elaborate and long. Short and simple works best with most internet marketing techniques.

Adding a guestbook to your web site is an excellent internet marketing method used to assure your customers that you care about their comments and opinions. It also gives visitors a chance to view praises about your site from other surfers. While you may occasionally receive a rude comment, you cannot let a few individuals ruin your hard work. Many guestbooks give owners the option to preview comments before they are posted. If you receive a comment that could do damage to your reputation and business, this feature should definitely be used.

Scott has his own website to help you find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home at

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ring In The New Year With Successful Marketing For Your Online Business

Writen by Mark Kenny

Are you an eBay seller who wants to gain recognition for your business? Perhaps you are a casino affiliate looking to gain the attention of new customers? Or, maybe you are just starting out with a dropshipping company and are hoping to get your new business off the ground? Well, there's no better time to start anew like a brand new year. Anything is possible, but you have to make it happen.

Promoting a new business can be a daunting, and expensive, task. But, it's not impossible with a successful marketing approach. If you are an eBay seller who also has a website, offer a contest or promotion by giving away a product from your inventory. Allow new visitors to enter your contest and draw one winner at a specified time. Announce this competition anywhere and everywhere possible, including newspapers, your website's mailing list, co-workers, friends, etc. You can promote your website with internet search engines and free-for-all link pages, along with link exchanges among other websites. The contest concept will work with either stocked inventory or dropshipping. Just have the winner's product sent directly to them.

If you operate as a casino affiliate, promote your new website among search engines, newsletters and through the original casino owner. Affiliate websites, as part of the price package, often receive promotion for their new business. Basically, it's free advertising so enjoy it. An affiliate website is often listed in a directory on the main homepage of the company, which is a terrific way to draw attention to a new start-up business.

If your business, product or approach are unique, write up a one-page press release and send it to every magazine, newspaper and television network that you can find. The worst that will happen is the information will not be used, but imagine the benefits if it is used. Having a press release published in any publication is basically free advertising. Anyone who picks up the newspaper, or magazine, is going to read through it looking for a story that grabs their attention. Therefore, make your press release interesting and give it a title that will draw the reader in. Everyone likes to hear success stories of budding entrepreneurs and, with the popularity of the world wide web, that's just another reason to promote your enthusiasm. If you have a sample product, send it with your press release. Of course, if you don't want to spend the money to mail the press release, there's always e-mail. This is a terrific way to provide news to a variety of media outlets at no cost and immediate delivery. If your story is unique, it will grab the editor's attention.

In conclusion, consider these top 10 ways to ensure a successful marketing campaign:

1. Contests & Giveaways

2. Discounts to first-time or repeat customers

3. Referral rewards

4. Link exchanges

5. Press release submission

6. Free product samples

7. Conduct interviews with the press about your new online business

8. Distribute a electronic newsletter to website viewers who sign up to receive your latest news

9. Write a daily article and post on your website relating to your company, product or news

10. Place a permanent signature in your e-mail, which identifies the URL of your website, to be sent with each outgoing letter.

Mark Kenny is an eBay expert who specialises in launching eBay related online businesses. You can see his selection of Turnkey websites at: or read his blog via

Monday, December 22, 2008

Marketing All About Focus

Writen by Dave Collins

Marketing would appear to be the great buzz word of the decade. Every self-respecting business team talks about it, yet many of us aren't even sure what it is, and even more are uncertain of how they should be doing it.

In Marketing -the next level we looked at some of the most important definitions, and pointed out that marketing is simply about bridging the gap between the producer and the consumer. It's not about what you're trying to sell, it's about who you're trying to sell it to, what they want from you, and how to give it them. It really is that simple.

This is all very good in theory, but one of the main problems with marketing is that while it makes complete sense when reading about it, applying it to the real world can often prove to be a different matter. One of the simplest and most effective ways to do so is to focus on the consumer.

How to attract new customers to your product and website is the constant quandary of many businesses, small or large. But the fact is that no matter what method you use to do so, it's a hard, slow and often expensive process. Logically, we can therefore assume that we should, and indeed must, apply some of our energies to retaining existing customers.

The question is why we lose so many potential customers before they've even had a chance to reach for their wallets. There could be many reasons for this. Some may no longer require what you're selling, some may simply forget about you, and inevitably, some may feel (rightly or wrongly) that you don't provide what they need or want.

While there is little that you can do if they genuinely have no need for the product or service you're selling, everything else is completely under your control.

Why Are You Losing Customers?

If, for example, a customer did use your product in the past, but no longer has any need for it, then something must have changed. Is it perhaps new technology that you're not keeping up with, a gap in your product, or incompatibility with other software? Identify what's changed, and if possible, address those needs.

If the reason is a competing product, then go after the product's features with a vengeance, and build on them. Don't constrain yourself by only providing the bare basics of what the consumer wants. Give them what they could use, and show them features that they've never even thought of before. While no-one in their right mind goes shopping for a new car based on the stereo and seat linings, the fact is that sometimes these add-ins may prove to be the make-or-break features in choosing their purchase. Throw them in.

On the other hand, if the potential customer doesn't even realise what you're offering, then you're doing something very wrong. Have you ever come across a site with the make-or-break fact that persuades you to buy the product, hidden away four clicks into the web site? I certainly have, and it's far from rare.

Realistically, chances are that a large number of your website visitors won't go beyond the front page, so don't hide the juicy details buried in the depths of your site. The most important sales facts should be plain to see from the moment your main page loads. A book may not be judged by its cover, but a website certainly is. Catch their attention the moment they arrive, entice them in with tasty titbits, and you've got them.

Sell The Benefits, Not Just The Features

I've said it many times before, and I'll say it many times yet. You have to sell the benefits of your software, and not just it's features. A long feature list looks great to the person who's thinking about buying the software, but until they realise that they need or want it in the first place, it'll barely even register.

Take an imaginary graphics file viewer as an example. If the front page for the product is one long feature list, with an impressive 60+ supported formats on display, that's all very well and good. But will the three-second-a-site visitor be interested? Probably not. They're not looking for what the software is capable of, they're looking for what the software can do for them.

If however you sell the fact that the file viewer can SAVE TIME AND MONEY, ALLOW YOU TO ACCESS YOUR COLLEAGUES FILES and VIEW ALL YOUR EMAIL ATTACHMENTS, then you're far more likely to grab their attention.

Feature lists are for shareware sites and magazine reviews. People want benefits and solutions. Again, it goes back to the consumer.

Once you know what they're looking for, spoon feed it to them in just the right way, with all the information and details they need, and a little bit of icing never goes amiss either.

As for the people who click on the features list, chances are that they don't need convincing that they may have a use for the software, they're looking for more reasons to buy it. They're looking for as many facts as possible to satisfy their wallet, boss, spouse or conscience. Give them what they want.

And remember not to go for too blatant a sales pitch. People are strange, and although the average person loves to buy things, they hate being sold to! The difference? Make them want what you're selling, don't just shout BUY at them! Satisfy their needs, meet their requirements and show them that you're the answer they're looking for.

Never forget that you're not selling to objects. You're selling to people. In order to reach them, you have to start thinking like one of them!

Spend time finding out how your existing customers use your software, what made them choose your product, and why they continue to use or enjoy it. See if any patterns emerge, and use this information to focus on your strengths and also your opportunities. Then apply what you've learnt to your product literature, your banner ads, your email signature, your advertising campaigns and above all your website. Be seen, be sold.

Copyright 2005 SharewarePromotions Ltd

Dave Collins is the CEO of SharewarePromotions Ltd., a well established UK-based software and shareware marketing company. Are your software sales slow? Find out how to promote your software across the web and multiply your sales level at

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Five Common Misconceptions To Achieving Success With Your Online Business

Writen by Robin Nobles

How successful is your online business? Are you achieving the monetary rewards that you'd hoped to achieve when you set up your Web site?

If not, you may have fallen prey to one of five common misconceptions to achieving success with an online business.

Misconception #1: If you put up a Web site, people will come. Regretfully, this is far from the truth. Competition is fierce on the Internet, and you must learn how to compete in order to have a successful online business. Putting up a Web site is the first step, but doing nothing more will ensure your site's failure.

Misconception #2: Amateur promotion will render professional results. Many people believe that they can purchase a handy dandy software program that will submit their sites to 999 search engines and directories, and their promotion efforts are over. The truth of the matter is, the majority of the traffic to most Web sites comes from the major search engines and directories, so submitting to 990 other ones is simply a waste of time and won't bring you any success.

Misconception #3: Submitting your site to the major search engines and directories is all you need to do. Wrong. Think of it this way: there are 10 search results per page for most of the engines. Most people won't go through any more than three pages of search results before giving up and trying another search. So, only the top 30 rankings really matter. If your site is #3,429 out of two million results, how much traffic do you think you'll get?

Misconception #4: META tags are the key to success with the search engines. Truthfully, very few of the major engines even look at META tags any more. So, sticking META tags on your pages won't bring you traffic and sales.

Misconception #5: The key to success on the Web is achieving top 10 rankings for keywords that are important to your business. This way of thinking is outdated. Instead, the key to success on the Web is bringing in extremely targeted traffic that converts to sales. You can have all the #1 rankings in the world, but if the rankings don't convert to traffic that ultimately converts to sales, your Web site will never be a success.

If you're ready to activate your Web site for success, why not take advantage of simple but powerful insiders' strategies that mean genuine business. The good news is that you can learn these strategies through step-by-step, personal instruction at the Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop being held in New Orleans on September 9-11 at the Royal Orleans Hotel. For more information, or to learn of future workshops, visit or contact Robin Nobles at

Copyright 2002 Robin Nobles. All rights reserved.

About The Author

Robin Nobles, Director of Training, Academy of Web Specialists, has trained several thousand people in her online search engine marketing ( training programs. Visit the Academy's training site to learn more ( She also teaches 3-day hands-on search engine marketing workshops in locations across the globe with Search Engine Workshops (

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What You Wont Learn In Business School

Writen by Erwin Tjong

What You Won't Learn in Business School


We all know the traditional road to the financial freedom of retirement. You go to work, 40, 50 or even 60 or more hours every week for 30 or 40 years. You scrimp and save every penny you can, giving up some of the good things in life while, telling yourself that you are saving for a better day and that you will one day have financial freedom and the time to do what you really want. Then you just hope and pray that your nest egg will be big enough to feather your retirement and help you finally achieve financial freedom.

There is a better way. Let us show you how to retire early – like next year, next month or even next week! We can teach you how to best manage the two most important aspects of financial freedom – your time and your money. Unfortunately, these vital concepts are not taught in any school. Even the most expensive private high schools and the best business schools in the world do not teach their students how to achieve financial freedom through the generation of consistent passive income.

After all, most schools see their function as preparing students for the world of work. Unfortunately for you, that means working for someone else. Working for someone else, whether it is the smallest startup company or the biggest Fortune 500 company, is not the road to financial freedom.

Working for someone else keeps you dependent, and keeps you from achieving the financial freedom you deserve and raking in the passive income you can achieve on your own. Passive income is truly the key to financial freedom. The awesome power of passive income may not be taught in business schools, but you have found the absolute best starting point for learning how to harness passive income to achieve financial freedom for you and your family.

Erwin Tjong is an Internet Marketer and a member of Elite Team which a Marketing System that specifically to provide SUPPORT and TRAINING for everyone who joined the Financial Freedom Society Inc.) To learn more about his business please visit :

Friday, December 19, 2008

Web Coach Tip 3 Quick Amp Easy Ways To Identify Your Target Market

Writen by Donna Payne

#1 ~Look at your past customers~

Notice trends in the type of clients you attract and pay particular attention to the ones who provoke you to be our best. How do you feel when you get off a call with a client who's "got it together"...Great, right? What about the client who's a real downer? The phone rings and you glance at the caller id. Ugh! Not her AGAIN! I'd rather stick my hand thru the paper shredder than answer the phone. (LOL, we've all been there!) Remember the tolerations from unpleasant encounters and be sure not to allow them into your newly formed target market.

#2 ~Think about ideal future prospects~

Make up an imaginary customer. For example: mine is "Caroline Everson". She's a 35 year old coach/therapist, married, lives in LA and works out of her home office. She's been in practice for 3 years and has two daughters—10 and 6. Caroline's website is so stagnant it stinks because it hasn't been updated for over a year. She wants to revive her online presence, and attract a full roster of clients from all over the country in the next 6 months.

Focusing on one person allows you to really get to the "pain" your prospect is having. What keeps her up at night? Where is she stuck? How is she feeling? This will give you the "emotional" element in your web copy to hook the prospect. Your ideal goal is to connect with the reader so they will take action and contact you without hesitation. The tighter your niche, the better!

Also remember that your niche can have sub-niche's and can change at any minute. This is a process…do not obsess... it may take 1 week, 6 months or even a year to figure out exactly who is your ideal client.

#3 ~People we DON'T want as customers~

The message we craft is to attract the folks we WANT to do business with. If our message is CLEAR, we will weed out the wrong types of prospects by allowing them to self-qualify and not bother contacting you.

Sometimes I'm asked by people who haven't visited my website if I can create their e-commerce site, or other commercial site. By simply stating who my niche or market is (therapists & coaches) it gets me off the hook easily and prevents me from getting involved with a project that's not in my area of expertise.

So, ask yourself... who's your Caroline Everson?

Donna Payne is the Chief Web Goddess of The Web and is known as the gal to call when you're feeling overwhelmed by the internet. To spend some more time with Donna and to experience Web technology, Development and Marketing in the most SIMPLIFED way possible go to

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Power Of Cross Promoting

Writen by Edmund Loh

Cross promotion is, without doubt, a powerful technique used by many people to increase the exposure of their products or services when they start their Online Business.

When you start your Online Business, decide what type of promotional exchange methods you would be interested in practicing and contact other fellow Online Business owners to discuss an exchange for mutual benefits.

Here are some frequently-used and time-tested cross promoting techniques you can use to promote your Online Business:

[1] Link Exchanges

Exchanging links with web sites similar to yours should be one of the first things you should do on the first day your Online Business is open. By exchanging links with similar web sites, you will not only increase your Search Engine ranking, but you will also increase your web site traffic and Google page ranking.

[2] E-zine Ad Swaps

E-zine advertising is one of the best forms of advertising on the Internet. By swapping ads with other E-zine publishers, you can run your ad in other publications free of charge.

[3] Have Ebook Exchanges

You can cooperate with other Internet Marketers or Internet Business Owners in creating free E-books to freely distribute. The free E-book will mutually benefit and promote both of you while providing valuable information for your visitors as long the E-book is viral in nature.

[4] Give Free Bonuses

Free bonuses are often used as an incentive to increase sales. Provide and exchange bonuses with other Online Business owners. This technique will not only increase your sales, but will also promote your products and services.

[5] Establishing Joint Ventures

This is by far one of the most powerful forms of cross-promotion technique practiced by top Online Business persons. You and another Online Business person will partner together in a marketing effort that will result in mutual benefits and profits.

As you might have noticed by now, the techniques presented above do not require any investment from you in monetary terms, just some hard and smart effort on your part!

Copyright © Edmund Loh

About the Author:
Edmund Loh is the author of the E-Biz Wiz Blog and Starting An Internet Business Special Report. Visit E-Biz Wiz Blog for proven ideas, tips and information on starting your own Internet Business and subscribe to the 12 Day Internet Marketing Success Course at

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finding Your Niche Market By Solving Other Peoples Problems

Writen by Guy Reichard

"It is seldom inheritance or advanced degrees or even intelligence that builds fortunes... there are seven characteristics held in common by most millionaires... one of the seven is: being adept at identifying target market opportunities." Stanley/Danko

Once you have a good idea of what you're passionate about, it's time to start looking for markets that are related in some way.

If your passion is playing the guitar or practicing yoga or traveling or learning languages, I'm sure there's a market online that could benefit from your passion. This article will show you how to find it. After we've found the market, we're going to research it and find out what some of their biggest unsolved problems are.

What's this about problems?

Two of the biggest drivers of marketing (what makes people buy) are pleasure and pain.

People are either interested in things that bring them pleasure or things that stop their pain. If you come up with a solution for a particular problem, you're not only stopping the pain, you're providing pleasure as well.

If you have a headache, don't you look for a solution to that problem? If your headache goes away, don't you find it easier to do things that bring you pleasure?

Every market has its problems and every market needs those problems solved. In today's world and economy, people are looking for faster and more efficient ways to solve their problems and they're ready to pay handsomely for it. If you can show them how to solve their problems and enjoy the benefits of living without their problems, you have just become their angel in disguise.

How can you find your niche market who's just waiting for you to help them?

Start by doing research on your wider target market.

* Go to Google and do a search on your general field of interest first.

* If you're interested in baking cookies, for example, do a search on baking cookies and then drill down by digging into specifics.

* Check out informational sites and product sites.

* Find e-zines (online magazines) related to your interest and read them thoroughly.

* Then, look for websites already selling something within your market. What kind of approach do they take? Do they appear like professionals or amateurs?

Keep your mind open to all the possibilities. You're not trying to find a product to sell yet, you're still narrowing in on your niche market by finding like-minded communities of people online.

By finding your ideal niche market, you're going to save yourself from wasting countless hours and dollars on a business idea that may never succeed.

Just picking a field of interest is not enough - that's way too wide and won't provide you with positive, lasting results that lead to success. You need to be very specific and you need to start looking for a problem that people are actively trying to solve.

To help you narrow in on your niche try this exercise:

** My niche market is people who are (action) + (your area of interest)

For example:

- My niche market is people who are (learning how to bake) (cookies) or

- My niche market is people who are (trying to build) (a gazebo) or

- My niche market is people who are (wanting to learn) (spanish) or

- My niche market is people who are (attempting to sell) (saunas)

By narrowing your wider market into a niche market you gain so many advantages;

* You've narrowed down the competition - you're not competing against everyone in your field of interest

* Smaller markets are easier to dominate

* Niche markets are often close groups of people who share information with each other and can more easily spread worth of mouth to their friends who share the same interests

* It's cheaper to advertise to smaller, less competitive markets even if it means less traffic - at least you know you won't be wasting your dollars on people who aren't interested in your specific area

* People searching for your solution are savvy and will usually search for specific solutions and ignore wide search terms (they're drilling and digging to)

* It's easier to gain the loyalty of customers if you provide them with "the good stuff" - they will keep coming back for more of your solutions because you satisfied their needs and increased their level of trust.

Believe it or not, you've just learned some very important information about internet marketing that most other people don't know. Thousands upon thousands of people have ignored these principles and have wasted countless hours and dollars trying either to sell to the masses or trying to find a product before they've found a market.

If you're one of those people, don't despair (I've done it too) and it's not the end of the world.

If you already have a product, do some more research on your niche market (it'll be easier to find now) and listen to what people are saying in discussion boards, chat rooms, news sites and e-zines. They will enlighten you as to what problems they've been having and you can find a way to put a spin on what you have that will appeal to their needs.

For all the rest, once you've found your niche market and a common problem among that market - you've hit gold. You can now find a product or develop one of your own that solves all or at least one of their major problems and you're ahead of the game without losing your shirt.

Once you've come up with a solution for your niche market, there's a phenomenal, fast, inexpensive way to test the market to see if it will bring you riches or rags.

But you'll have to wait for my next article to read about that or visit my website for more information.

Wishing you happiness and good fortune,

Guy Reichard, BA Psych, MBA Strategy/Entrepreneurship

Internet Marketing Specialist

Guy Reichard is an internet marketing specialist who combines coaching, enlightenment & marketing into every project he tackles. Providing clients with motivational support to help his them reach their personal and business goals. You can learn more about him and his services at his websites. and

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Right Approach

Writen by John Hostler

If I told you I would give you a part time job where you would be able to set your own hours, work from the comfort of your home, and earn a few hundred dollars a month after the first couple of months, you might think that was pretty cool.

If I then went on to tell you that with that same part time job you could replace your current income within a year and then massively exceed that income within a couple you'd probably think that was incredible.

Would you take me up on it? I bet you would.

So, then why is it that when people venture into Internet Marketing they waste so much time and money by immediately going for the "holy grail"? Is it because they're gullible, or lazy, or a combination of both?

For some that is the case…and for others I just think they have bought into the wild pack of lies that gets bandied about the Internet…they buy into one pipe dream after another.

What's the answer? One answer is to take the "Right Approach". You certainly need focus and a plan, but there is a mentality that's required that goes way above and beyond those general concepts.

When people are looking to earn extra income it is typically about increasing their monthly cash flow. Since a substantial number of folks today are living check to check, the idea of adding more money into the hopper every month is extremely appealing. It is the main reason people get a second job.

So, how about likening your new Internet Marketing career to a part time/second job? A second job that will afford you some extra money every month and which could replace your main source of income in the long run.

Since we live in a short term, gotta have it now society, why not attack your Internet Marketing business with short term goals? I know…I know. Not very flashy…but if you want to be successful then forget the idea of being rich in 30 days, and get with the idea of building your business one small step at a time.

Here is an effective strategy for doing just that; by keeping the right mindset and taking the Right Approach…

When you get started, pick one monthly bill that aggravates the heck out of you. For me it was all of them but the one that most annoyed me was the telephone bill. I hated getting that thing in the mail every month and decided that it was the first one to go.

I applied the techniques I had learned about being an affiliate marketer and began focusing on earning enough a month to pay that with my online earnings. It was only a short while before I had that handled. So, now my phone bill was covered and gave me an extra $100 or so bucks in free cash each month.

Now that I had taken care of those annoying phone bills I picked the next most hated bill which was my water bill. I could barely stomach the sight of those things. Again, in a short while I was earning enough to pay my water bill in addition to my phone bill. 2 down and even more extra cash in my pocket.

As time passed I became more adept at marketing online and earned more money each month. I continued to apply the same strategy and continued to pick off various bills until I got to the point where I was making more online then I was working my day job and was able to afford my normal bills and still have plenty of fun money.

Was this quick? Not by most people's definition, but in 14 months I was able to make the decision that I would no longer work for anyone but me and had the ability to support myself and have a few of the nicer things in life by Internet Marketing alone.

And guess what? There were thousands of people that began their marketing careers the same time I did and most of them are in the exact same boat they were at day 1.

They didn't take the right approach and they only thought about making it big and making it fast. Although that can happen from time to time and some folks do it better and faster than others, that is the exception and not the rule.

So, how about that part time job now? Are you willing to go the distance? If you are then set short term goals and take the Right Approach. That "holy grail" is out there but it takes patience, work, and focus to get it.

John Hostler, aka the Internet Renegade, has been marketing successfully both online and off for 6 years. He released his widely anticipated book on the subject of Internet Marketing on 02-01-06. To find out more about John or his newest release check out

Monday, December 15, 2008

How Do You Live The Internet Dream Automate Automate Automate

Writen by Diane Hughes

There's no doubt that one of the things that excited you about operating your online business was the thought of making money while you sleep. Having free time to spend with your family while - at the same time - generating an income is something almost every person on earth wants. But as you've moved further and further into the Internet business realm, you've most likely discovered that this is hard work!

Are all those so-called marketing gurus lying? Do they really generate enough money to live on when only working 10 to 20 hours per week? And what's more... can you?!

Some may be lying, but I'm living proof that you can have it all. What's the secret? Automation!

Automate what? Everything you possibly can. Why automate? Because the less time you actually have to spend at your business the more time you can spend doing the things you love. Also, the more "hands-off" your business is the more profitable it becomes.

Most of the people who have made it big online have their own products that they deliver electronically. However, if you sell affiliate products, physical products, or even services, there are an unlimited number of ways to automate your daily routine.

Let's take a few moments to review some ways you can find to automate as much as possible about your business so you can be free to enjoy your life.

Make a list of those routine chores you do every day. (Answer email, check search engine positioning, review pay-per-click ads, calculate payments, etc., etc.) Everything!

Next, place a checkmark beside each item on your list that is repetitive. These are items where your actions are exactly the same (or practically the same) each time you do the action.

These are the items in your routine that can most likely be automated.

Visit some of the free (or cheap) software and script sites to see which ones offer helpful products you can use to automate your day. You can find free software at For free java scripts, check out You can also search your favorite search engine for free CGI scripts, DHTML scripts, and more.

Read your user's manuals. I know... what a horrible thought! Most of the software user's manuals now are included on your hard drive. You can actually search the table of contents for topics of interest. You'll find tons of ways to automate workflow in your user's manuals.

For instance, did you know you could automatically create a table of contents (TOC) using Word? If you've finished writing an ebook or report and need to add a TOC, Word can scan your document - no matter how long it is - and layout the TOC for you. There are also tons of macros you can set up that will automate your workflow. And Word is not the only program that does these neat tricks. You'd be surprised at what you can learn by snooping around in your user's manuals.

The more you're able to take your hands off your business, the more time you'll have to enjoy your life. You'll find your schedule is freer and your profitability is stronger. It may take some time to initially set everything up so that it works the way you need it to, but just a few short-term sacrifices can make for some pretty powerful long-term gains.

Copyright 2005 Diane Hughes

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Make Quick Money On The Internet

Writen by Jack Silver

In this article I will give you two ways to make quick money on the internet. Both methods are simple to execute, but will require the elbow grease to put them into action. By executing both plans, you will see money in your account within a week.

Method 1: Get a pen and paper. Go to every room in your house and make a list of everything which you do not need or use. Be neat, and organise all objects into relative categories, such as books or CD's.

Once you have done this, take a photo of each of the items on your list using a digital camera. Ensure that the object has been cleaned and looks presentable. As you photograph each object, check off the name on the list.

The final step is to list all of the items on eBay. Take your time to write good, lucid descriptions, and ensure you use proper English. Start all your items off at a very small price. This is a very laborious process (and so is the packaging), but it is well worth it. When I did this last year, I raised $2000 for a week's work. Not bad. Suck it up and get it done. You'll have extra cash in your pocket, a fat eBay profile with lots of positive feedback, and your home will be newly streamlined. This is undoubtedly one of the best ways to make quick money on the internet.

Method 2: This is perhaps my favourite method to make quick money on the internet. Go to Clickbank and sign up as an affiliate - it is free.

Now start thinking about a niche you're knowledgeable about. This step is very important. Maybe you are interested in poker, or maybe tropical fish, or even real estate. Just ensure that you pick a niche that you know something about.

Once you've identified your niche, run a search on Clickbank for related search terms. For example, if you've picked angling as a niche you know a thing or two about, then run a search for 'fishing'. You will get a results list with lots of fishing-related products. Check out the sales page of each product and pick one that you like the look of.

Get your affiliate link for the product by clicking on the 'Earn X%' button by the product name. Copy and paste that affiliate code into your notepad. This is the first step completed.

Your next step is to sign up to as many forums related to your niche as you can, preferably at least five. In each forum, ensure that you put your affiliate link in the signature option in your profile - this means that every time you make a post on the forum, your affiliate link will be visible.

Finally, post on each forum five times a day, making a total of at least 25 posts per day. Ensure that you provide useful information rather than just spamming the forum. Build your gravitas and credibility. This will add up to around 750 posts a month, which will give your affiliate link remarkable exposure. Every time someone clicks on your link and purchases the product, you will be entitled to 50% or more of the sale. If your commission is $20, then a hundred sales through your lead will make you an easy $2000. And don't forget - the posts will always be archived, so you will have a passive income stream for months and years to come.

These two methods will make quick money on the internet for you, but only scratch the surface of internet marketing. A bit of innovation allowed me to do more than make quick money - I was able to quit my job thanks to the internet. Always remember that the possibilities are endless, and if you take the time to master any internet marketing method, then you will soon be able to make money overnight.

Jack Silver started making money online in 2006 and recently quit his job to become a full-time internet marketer. You can read how Jack managed to replace his income at (

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Boost Online Marketing With A Ghost And A Blue Ball

Writen by Siriol Jameson

What does online marketing have to do with a ghost? Plenty. Read this and you will see why. The memory still unsettles me whenever I think back to that night.

The experience taught me that to write about a product, you have to see it at work. You will see how this can help you, also. But first, here is what happened that night.

It was November - almost 3 years ago. My friend and client, Guido, asked me to write a sales letter and a couple of ads for him. He ran a ghost busting business.

It struck me as hard to make m0ney chasing ghosts out of people's houses but he made a good living. Guido convinced me that I had to get a feel for his business. So, he asked me to accompany him on a job.

I agreed and found myself the following Thursday night with him and his girlfriend, Erin, in the home of an art gallery owner. The owner and his family were away and the place smelled of stale smoke and chrysanthemums. We were alone – or almost alone.

The ghost, Guido explained, was a child who had died in the house 60 years before. He would come back looking for toys. Guido led us to the dining room where he set up his equipment. The only toy I saw was a blue ball under the sideboard that belonged to the owner's young son.

Guido half opened the door leading to the cellar and turned out the lights. We sat on the floor in the dark wearing night-vision goggles and waited.

It happened a little after 1 a.m. The blue ball hurtled from under the sideboard, hit the table leg and bounced back. I heard a click from Guido's equipment and the ball stopped short. After a few minutes of stillness, the ball darted forth again. This time, it zigzagged along the wall.

Erin and I exchanged a quick glance and I strained to see what was causing the ball to move. I could only imagine some unseen little feet kicking it and scurrying after it. Again, Guido's equipment clicked and kept on clicking. The ball rolled out the cellar door and bounced down the steps.

It was over.

Guido didn't explain how he did it, but assured us the little ghost would not be back - ever. I ran my hand over the bare floor where the ball had been. I was feeling for wires or string, suspecting that Guido had rigged the whole thing. But I found nothing.

I didn't go to bed when I got home. Instead, I wrote an account of the ghost. I also wrote the sales letter and ads for Guido. The words rolled off my fingertips like raindrops. I set the scene of what it was like to be in the same room with a ghost.

In writing about Guido's service, I tried to make the readers feel the same things I had. I brought all my senses into it – touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste.

I learned another lesson from that experience that may help you. The lesson is this: write the sales letter for your online marketing right after you see the product at work. That makes your words fresh and urgent.

Oh, and about the little ghost: Guido told me he didn't stay in the cellar. He disappeared and Guido knows in his heart that some loving arms welcomed him back into that "in-between world" that ghosts call home.

Siriol Jameson helps you make money from the comfort of your own home. Choose from over 40 guaranteed profitable businesses and make m.oney forever. Visit: http://www.easy-home-businesses/work-from-home-businesses.html Get insider tips by subscribing to Siriol's free newsletter:

Friday, December 12, 2008

Put Some Lipstick On That Pig Domain Name Forwarding

Writen by Anthoney Hanks

Have you heard this phrase before, "Put some lipstick on that pig, and prettier her up." Well, have you got an URL that is long and ugly. Maybe you have an affiliate link or maybe you have multiple URLs that you want to point to the same place. In this article, I am going to step you through the process of getting the URL and forwarding the domain name.

First, for the sake of this article, we will be using to handle the forwarding. Buy your URL(s). During the buying process, if you do not already an account with them, you will set one up.

Next, login to your account. In your main screen, there will be a list of your URLs. Put a check in the checkbox of the URL you want to forward. There will be a button that says "Forward Domain Names". Click the button.

You will be taken to the forwarding domain names page. To the right, there will be a textbox asking for the URL that you want forwarded by the "prettier URL". The next option is to mask the original URL. The purpose of this is to hide the original link from the user. The next option is to enter a masked title. This masked title will show at the top of the browser. The next option is the Masked Description Meta-Tag. This option is to enter a different description of the site. And lastly, there is an option for Masked Keyword Meta-Tag. Here you can enter in some new keywords. After you have entered in the information, click the "Save Changes"

After you have saved your changes, allow up to 24 hours for the change to take effect. Usually it happens within a couple of hours. When completed, your user will click the "prettier" URL and they will be forwarded to the original site. Example:

Maybe you want to sell a product from ClickBank. You will get an affiliate link. Now you want to track how much traffic you are getting for a particular ad. What you can do is use a tracking site to keep a count of the traffic. Go to the tracking site and setup the tracking link. Then take the tracking link and have it forward by a "prettier" URL which will forward it to the original link. Example:

If you want to a more visually appealing and easier to remember URL for your long and cryptic URLs, then domain name forwarding is the trick you need. Domain name forwarding is a great Internet marketing technique. It allows you uniqueness when displaying an affiliate links or referral links. When the user sees the link, it will be less ominous than a longer link. Check out my resource box. Both links are forwarded to another site.


About The Author


Anthoney Hanks is an avid student of personal development, Internet marketing and network marketing. Profit from my spillover, visit: Also visit my blog:

Article is available for reprint if interested.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

A 7 Step Webmarketing Plan

Writen by Jerry Bader

Step 1.
What to do: Attract more Web-visitors. How to do it: Decide what niche to fill by defining what your audience really wants.

The number one priority of any website marketing initiative is to attract more website visitors that in-turn creates more sales leads and ultimately more sales. In order to attract these visitors you need focus on a niche audience that will find your website material relevant enough to either pickup the phone and call you, or at least send you an email inquiry. Most websites try to do too much and say too much and as a result visitors loose interest. Design your website so that it focuses on the key information that propels your visitors to make the next move - contacting you.

Steo 2.
What to do: Have Web-visitors stay longer. How to do it: Make your website more compelling by utilizing storytelling techniques.

We know from recent studies that the amount of time visitors stay in a sales environment is the most important factor in determining how much they will purchase (Paco Underhill, founder of Envirosell, 'Why We Buy'). To get visitors to stay longer you have to offer them something more the usual sales hype. Sales presentations that revolve around stories and anecdotes are one of the best ways to capture people's attention and keep their interest.

Step 3.
What to do: Have Web-visitors retain more of your marketing message. How to do it: Treat your customers as an audience and speak to them with Web- audio and Web-video presentations.

The longer people stay at your website the more likely they are to remember your marketing message, but the way you present your marketing message is the critical factor in penetrating their consciousness and implanting your message in their heads. Visitors can spend a lot of time at your website getting frustrated because they can't find what they need or can't understand what you are offering. Treat your customers like a real visitor to your office or showroom and speak to them with Web-audio and Web-video presentations.

Step 4.
What to do: Get Web-visitors to respond to your call to action. How to do it: Make it worth their while: to get something, you have to give something.

Now that you've got people to come to your site, you want them to respond to some call to action. Many websites just present the material but never ask their visitors to actually do anything. Ask your visitors to telephone, email, fill in a survey, or do something that will start the beginning of a commercial relationship. And since web-visitors are so jaded, make sure you make it worth their while by giving them something in return: a free newsletter, special report, or a complementary analysis of their needs.

Step 5.
What to do: Get Web-visitors to pass on the information to friends and colleague. How to do it: Make your information viral and provide more than just a sales pitch.

The power of the Web as a sales and marketing tool is its ability to connect you to a network of people connected to your web-visitors. If the information on your website is informative and instructive and if the presentation is creative and entertaining then people will pass it along too their network of friends and colleagues. With the click of a button web-visitors can send a email to everyone they know suggesting they visit your website, but only if your site is worth the visit.

Step 6.
What to do: Implement your corporate personality. How to do it: Deliver a definitive image and attitude using multimedia techniques, especially cost-effective Web-audio.

So many websites are just plain boring. Having a website just because everybody else has a website is not a very good reason for the expenditure and effort involved. So if you're going have a website, make sure it's a good one that displays your corporate personality. Make a statement with your presentation and one of the best ways to make a statement and connect with your audience is with cost-effective Web-audio.

Step 7.
What to do: Garner a positive reaction. How to do it: Make sure Web-visitors find what they're looking for by utilizing appropriate information architectures.

When web-visitors leave, your site you want them to leave with a positive reaction to your company. Having an under-performing website that ignores the human element and doesn't delivery the information people need in a way they can understand, is a sure-fire way of creating a negative reaction or no reaction at all. Make sure Web-visitors find what they're looking for by utilizing appropriate information architectures.

Jerry Bader is a principal partner of Ontario-based MRPwebmedia (http://, and can be reached at, Telephone: 905.764.1246.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Can You Really Make Money While You Sleep

Writen by Kathleen Gage

If you've been utilizing the Internet for any length of time it's likely you have been bombarded with junk mail claiming you can make money "while you sleep." Most sensible people are bound to ignore such claims of easy money. But is it true? Can you really make money while you sleep?

The answer is an absolute YES! However, don't assume my answer in any way implies that it is a get rich quick while you sleep proposition.

I know it is possible to make money via the Internet while one sleeps as I have been doing it for a little over a month. Actually, I have been utilizing the Internet to market my business and events for several years with a great deal of success, but it is only in the last month that I began aggressively selling products via my website.

Over the last few weeks, between e-products and my latest book, 101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door, I have sold a substantial amount of product. Within an hour of launching my products I was making money. From day one, each morning when I turn on my computer I am greeted with sales.

What I most like about doing this is the profit margin. With my e-products the profit is close to 100%. With my books there are shipping and handling costs and yet, the profit is still very nice.

To the casual observer this may seem fantastic. Truth be told, it is. And yet, I didn't simply put products on my website and the sales miraculously happened.

As is true for anyone who successfully sells on the Internet, I have worked on the backend of launching my products for quite some time. Before I made my products available for sale from my website I had to make sure my systems were in place.

The process began with a great deal of research into how to successfully launch products on the web. I read virtually everything I could get my hands on by folks who are making money on the web. I listened in on teleconferences, went to seminars, bought other people's products, and spent countless hours becoming very familiar with how the process works.

It is important to state I didn't necessarily believe claims from someone just because they said they were making money. Plenty of people are claiming to make massive amounts of money on the Internet when in fact, they aren't. However, there are others who are making incredible revenues from web-based product sales.

Before I would accept what someone was saying, I checked them out. I talked to other people either through email or via the phone to find out what they knew about some of the more "well known" experts. I had the opportunity to talk real-time to some of the experts as a result of taking the initiative to contact them with valid inquiries about their products and businesses.

With each conversation, book, seminar, e-book and teleconference I added to my own arsenal of information. Over a period of about a year and a half, I had acquired quite a storehouse of knowledge.

Knowledge alone wouldn't lend itself to being successful in this new branch of my business. As with other products and services I have made available at various times to my market, I had to make sure that the products I would be introducing would sell. It's all very nice to have something you think is great, but will there be people who will actually pay for what you are selling?

I also had to make sure most of the kinks would be worked out prior to launching the products. This took a considerable amount of time meeting with my webmaster. Together we worked on the vision and how everything would link together.

Many people are very skeptical about informational products being sold on the Internet.

They have every right to be as there is a lot of garbage out there. There are people claiming to be experts when in fact, they aren't.

I also know we live in a "try before you buy" world. People have to feel comfortable with the purchases they make. Communication is key. Before, during and after.

Offering something at no cost prior to asking for a sale is an incredible way to build trust. It is also important to offer multiple choices in products and prices. Some people are more comfortable making a smaller purchase before they make a larger purchase.

For this reason, I have multiple free information products as well as a very cost effective e-book for only $8.95. As you will see when you visit my site and products page, I have several choices I offer.

As with a brick and mortar business, it is easier to sell to existing customers rather than selling to a stranger. This definitely proved to be true with the products I introduced. I have thousands of people in my database. I treat my database like gold because it is. I keep in touch with people in my database.

This is an area that I often see people lose substantial amounts of revenue. They fail to constantly mine their database or keep their name fresh in people's minds. As a result they are not able to fully realize the profits that come with a well groomed database and name recognition.

As with any type of business, my continued success with this stream of revenues will be determined by whether or not I keep in touch with people, how I market my products and how valuable my information is.

Yes, you can make money "while you sleep." And yes, it can be very profitable. However, your level of success will be directly proportionate to your level of commitment and professionalism in this avenue of your business as with any avenue of your business.

Copyright © 2004 by Kathleen Gage

Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required.

About The Author

Kathleen Gage is a business advisor, keynote speaker, and trainer that helps others gain dominance and visibility within their market. Get Gage's FR*EE report "Learn How One Salt Lake City Based Consultant Made Over 100k with One Idea" by visiting

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Call Centers Are Quickly Becoming A Network Marketers Dream Come True

Writen by Kent Thompson

Call Centers have been around for a while, but haven't been widely deployed in the network marketing community. This is beginning to change. The results of those groups who use call centers have been stagering. Let me explain how call centers can help your network marketing efforts.

Home-based businesses involving network marketing have some major problems. The main one is that often times prospects who join have no idea how much work it takes to build a large group of people under them.

This is a major problem because when people join, they might try it out for a few months and then quickly become overwhelmed and then quit when they don't see the results they were hoping for. This means that all the time that the network marketer spent in getting that person to join has now been wasted.

Let me explain what a call center is, and I'll use the Coastal Call Center as an example. The coastal call center is filled with professionally-trained sales staff, who do 95% of the work for the network marketer. The coastal call center staff will answer the phone, present the business plan to prospects calling in, do all the follow-up, and eventually close the sale.

With the coastal call center model, a network marketer's main responsibility is simply to advertise, and get people to call the coastal call center phone number, with a tracking code that identifies which network marketer referred the prospect.

From the surface it may seem like the only person this benefits from the call center model is the network marketer, since they no longer have to do the grunt work of answering phones, presenting the plan and following up.

However, there is another often overlooked benefit to this. It actually helps sales tremendously because prospects are now told that they don't have to do anything except advertise. Now, advertising and marketing may not be the most appealing idea to the prospect, but it certainly beats having to do everything else along with advertising!

If your network marketing organization is not using call centers, you may want to consider opening a call center. Your group will quickly embrace the idea that they no longer have to do all the work themselves, and you will see increased sales as a result!

Copyright 2005 Kent Thompson

Author Kent Thompson is a member of the coastal call center. Find out how you can make $1000 per sale in a home business where the coastal call center does 95% of the work for you, and all you have to do is advertise. Visit

Monday, December 8, 2008

What Is The Sure Fire Way To Success

Writen by Jim Mack

Can the average person make money online? I am asked that all the time. My answer is a definitive yes. However, you have to have the knowledge to do so. The shot gun approach will fail miserably.

There is a time tested method to making money that is successful over and over and over again. It is when a teacher takes an apprentice under his wing and becomes a mentor. First you tell them how to do it, then you show them how to do it, then you make them do it.

This method is the only proven way to make money at real estate investing, online marketing, offline marketing, and sales, really whatever you are doing. It could be tidily winks for goodness sakes.

I have made a great living being a mentor to people. I have been a successful sales manager, business leader and public speaker. I am willing and want to show YOU how to make a great living right from your home. And the best part is, my system shows you how to get OTHER people to do your work for you. I have a completely automated system running that all I do is place an ad and people respond to my website and other people do the selling and closing for me.

I began to study long ago the art of using NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is the art of speaking using embedded commands, voice inflection, and reading your prospect. When you master the art of using NLP, you will master the art of selling and get VERY FEW objections. I have studied under the masters of using NLP. Tony Robbins, yes that Tony Robbins, was my first introduction to NLP. I have studied, Marshall Sylver, a hypnotist and success trainer that uses what he calls "Hypnotic Selling", Duane Lakin, PhD, a master at NLP training for management, salespeople and telemarketing, and Bill Twyford, a real estate investor that is an expert at writing scripts and using embedded commands. These people have taken me to a new level of sales and sales training.

I studied under master sales trainers, entrepreneurial trainers and internet marketing trainers such as Matt Bacak, Charlie Golick, John Childers, Armand Morin, Tracy Childers, Katarina Chase, Paulie Sabol, Donna Fox, Jeff Mills, Larry Goins and many more. These people are my mastermind team. Check out these names and tell me I have not been mentored by the best of the best! Do an internet search and see if these people aren't top notch

I am originally from the Kansas City Metro area; I have lived there my whole life. I love baseball, martial arts, footbalï, basically I am a sports junkie. I am a business trainer, motivator and mentor Visit me at

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who Are You Learning From Or What Really Makes Me Mad

Writen by Alexandria K. Brown

You know what really makes me MAD? When I see someone acting like a bigshot with no substance behind them, asking you to pay them handsomely to teach you something that they themselves have NEVER done.

Let me explain...

Today I got an email announcing a very expensive workshop that claims to teach you how to develop information products and programs and sell them online to create wealth. (That part is fine.)
Here's the part that gets my goat...

The person teaching this workshop has absolutely NO experience creating and selling information products SUCCESSFULLY!

It just makes me sick.

There are many of these self proclaimed "gurus" out there. True, some have indeed created information products. (That's not hard to do.) And they may be selling them online. (That's not hard to do either.) But how much do they sell? How well do they REALLY do? How much money are they making? And are they working their tail off, or have they really created a great lifestyle for themselves?

Now, I know it's hard to tell sometimes who to trust and follow. Some of these 'gurus' talk a great talk using excellent copywriting, stories, and persuasion tactics. How do you know who is the REAL deal, and who's "full of it"?

Asking a few questions will help you. Here are five questions you should ask before investing heavily in anyone's products, programs, coaching, or workshops:

1. Have they DONE what they are teaching?

There are some people out there who are good "reporters" - that is, who collect information and share it - who you can learn from. These folks are good if you're doing baseline research on the topic. But if you are really looking to learn the systems and strategies that can change your life and business, and how to apply them successfully and quickly, and make a ton of money from them, you absolutely want to make sure you learn from someone who has done exactly that! This guarantees a much higher success rate on your end.

2. Are they STILL DOING what they're teaching?

It's no secret that anyone can make a lot more money TEACHING what they know than just doing what they know. Many "gurus" enjoyed one success and have been riding its coat-tails for years, teaching how they did it over and over. Just because someone had success selling one product or program online at one time doesn't mean they know the best and easiest way to do that TODAY. It's crucial you learn from someone who is still "in the trenches", continually learning and keeping up to date with the fastest and easiest ways to do what you want to learn.

3. Are they doing it SUCCESSFULLY?

This may seem like a given, but it amazes me how many people invest money in learning from people who aren't that successful in what they do. Make sure to sniff around and truly make sure that this person not only does what they say they can teach you, but that they are outrageously good at it.

4. Will they show you PROOF that what they teach actually works?

If your prospective mentor won't share numbers with you, or claims it's not your business, move on. It's likely they are not walking their talk. I'm open with my numbers because I want people to know I'm the real deal!

For example, I share an actual screen shot of my 2005 ONLINE SALES REPORT ( on the information page for my Online Success Blueprint Workshop. Why? I feel anyone who is about to invest several thousand dollars to learn from me deserves to see proof that what I'm teaching actually WORKS.

5. Are they doing it in a MANNER that suits what you want for you and your business?

This isn't talked about often, but you want to learn from a mentor who also works in a manner that is fits your business vision. For example, one client shared that she chose to learn from me instead of another internet marketing "mentor" solely because he admittedly works 16-hour days and hasn't taken a vacation in years. (Apparently my relaxed and fun lifestyle was a lot more appealing to her.)

Another example: I'm sure you've seen some "gurus" out there whose marketing methods are questionable and/or simply obnoxious, and that may not fit your style. If you want your business to be ethical, easy, and fun, then look for a mentor who is running his/her business that exact same way.

Once You Find Your Mentor, Stick With 'Em!

Once you choose the mentor and business model that's right for you, STOP paying attention to anyone else for awhile! Why? The #1 enemy of any entrepreneur is DISTRACTION. It's easy to jump around and get excited about the next big thing every few weeks, but your easiest road to success is to choose ONE mentor and model and commit to follow them for at least six months. I guarantee you'll move ahead a lot faster and more easily!

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," publishes the award-winning 'Straight Shooter Marketing' weekly ezine with 20,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at