Saturday, May 31, 2008

Free Viral Traffic From Article Marketing

Writen by Justin Brown

Many newcomers to the internet, and in particular owners of websites, often have the misconception that site traffic comes at a financial cost. Well think again! Why not use article marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase link popularity in the process?

One of the major benefits of article marketing is the ability for a particular article to spread throughout the internet onto several websites, often referred to as "viral marketing". The effectiveness of this is highly dependant upon the popularity of the article niche and the quality of information contained in that article. However, it is important not to underestimate the power of this possibility. It is highly likely that your article will be picked up from article directories by tens, hundreds, and possibly thousands of website owners eager for fresh, informative content for their sites and ezines.

It is impossible to predict which sites will pick your article up, but it can be very exciting to find that an article that you wrote has been published by a site with PR (Page Rank) 5, 6, 7 or maybe higher.

The consequence is a link back to your site from a number of sites running your article, and an increase in targeted website traffic, for free!

Furthermore, once your article has been written and submitted to article directories, depending on the quality of the article directory, you can benefit from the same article for years down the line.

Article writing provides you with an opportunity to display your knowledge to others. Should you provide valuable information that readers find interesting, then you can benefit from two essential ways. Firstly the reader can directly visit your site to view the service or product that you have to offer, and secondly, the reader may wish to publish the article on their website as they'll feel it may provide good information for their own website visitors. This ultimately benefits all parties:

- Your article, with resource box containing your website link, is located on many websites. You are rewarded with website traffic and link popularity.

- The reader (publisher) that finds your article informative has free content to place on their website for visitors to read.

- The visitors to websites using your article, locate an interesting and informative article, which can lead them to more information (your website).

The power of article marketing is obvious, and if you are a website owner, you should certainly be using it to drive free targeted traffic to your website.

Justin Brown maintains the website which provides a perfect opportunity to submit articles, and to also discover article marketing news and valuable information.

Ten Tips For Getting More Sales From Your Website

Writen by Michael Southon

(1) Create a Direct Response Website, with the minimum number of pages possible (e.g. an Index Page, a Contact Page, and an Order Page).

(2) Make sure your sales copy is positive and inspiring - people buy things because they want to improve their lives.

(3) Identify a problem and show people how and why your product or service solves the problem.

(4) Keep your paragraphs short - no more than 2 sentences per paragraph.

(5) Use bold headings to break up your sales copy into short chunks of text.

(6) Use a bulleted list to itemize the benefits of your product or service. Start each benefit with an action word: "turn", "make", "triple", "grab", "create", "build", "convert", "start", "change", "drive", "organize", "promote", "develop", "learn", "compel", "fill", "attract", "get", "earn", "take", "discover", "produce", "find", "generate", "acquire". "inspire", "send", "blast".

(7) Give your visitors at least 3 order links (e.g. 1/3rd of the way down your page, 2/3rds the way down, and at the bottom). But don't stop there - turn some of your key phrases into hyperlinks that go to your order page. Here are some examples of phrases that you could link to your order page: "increase your sales", "take advantage of this offer", "try it risk-free for 30 days", "get the following 5 bonuses", "the competitive edge you need", "this risk-free offer".

(8) Use purple (#990099, R=153 G=0 B=153) text - the color purple (used sparingly) has been shown to increase sales.

(9) Give a time limit - most people are procrastinators.

(10) At the end of your sales copy make a call to action: "Act now - don't let this opportunity pass by"

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more:

Friday, May 30, 2008

Lay Mans Quickest Way To Online Riches

Writen by Adebola Oni

Wherever I go to and in most mails I receive, the ever recurring question is how a newbie can make money on the Internet. I have always tried to douse the flame of doubt exhibited by most new comers to the Net, about making money online.

Most of them see all that established Net marketers say, as spurious claims and just a means of sweet tonguing them to part with their hard-earned cash. The truth is just that we've all being there: both established and upcoming marketers. We have at one time doubted those claims but the only thing is that we never allow our unbelief to rob us of the golden opportunity that the Internet offers.

We decided to jump into the fray not minding whether we get burned or not, and that has been the GREATEST decision most of us have made. Yes, as it is easy for a guru to make money online, so also is it easy for a lay man, who is just making a foray into internet marketing, to make money as well on the Net.

Most newbies are always afraid when they are told that the best way to make money online is to create their own product. They believe they never have what it takes to produce the much needed product, and if even they can, their belief is that it will take eternity to do that. All these assumptions are quite true, but is there no other way to enjoy the online largesse? Something like a short cut?

Yeah! There is a very simple and easy way to eat out of the online pie. The easy way out, is to buy an already created product and resell it as your own! Hello! Are you still with me? So many top class people: Marketers, authors, publishers et al, have produced so many great products (digital) which you only need to pay a stipend to get. You don't need to go through any stress to get this done.

No need for knowledge of web designing, scripting, or writing a sales letter, the products owners have been so kind enough to handle all that for you. All you just need is to get a domain name and a web host where you'll upload your turnkey website and with some amount of marketing, you will be inducted into the online millionaires club in no much time.

Did I ever mention that all the money you make from the sales of these products, is FULLY yours after paying the stipend to get the product(s)? Yes! All the money! With this, the sky cannot be your limit but your beginning. Wonder what you are waiting for. COME ON GET ON BOARD AND LET'S GO!

To your success online this year and beyond,

Adebola Oni

Adebola Oni is the webmaster/ owner of IM Giveaways, a site set up to give to newbies the needed resources to make their foray into marketing online a success. Go to this website, IM Giveaways to get the latest info about Resale Rights products and get some for FREE. You can also email: to save you some time.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Truth About Online Marketing

Writen by Terri Seymour

I am writing this article in the hopes of letting people know the truth about online marketing and building a home business. I have been in online marketing for almost ten years and have had several successful businesses and a couple not so successful businesses. In that time, I have learned many truths and seen many misleading half-truths.

So many times you will hear how easy it is to throw up a website and then watch the money come rolling in. Sorry folks, it just doesn't happen that easily! We are here to tell you the whole truth - no hype or misleading half-truths.

When you read these ads that say things like:

Make $20,000 Your First Month or All You Have to Do is Send Emails to Make 1000s Weekly!

Delete it or leave the site. Things like this just do not happen. I am not saying it is impossible, but extremely unlikely! So, if you are interested in hearing the basic and honest truth about building a home business, keep reading.

Truth #1

Anyone cannot do it!

It takes a certain amount of self-discipline, commitment, perseverance, strength and a LOT of work. Unfortunately, we do not all possess these qualities. If you feel that you do, then you can do it!

Truth #2

Just build it and they will NOT come!

Putting up a website does in no way guarantee sales, success or an income. Just putting up a site and not promoting it, is like whispering someone's name in a crowd and thinking they will hear it.

You have to work day and night and night and day on promoting your site and getting your name known. And there is much more to it then simply placing an ad here and there. There is also much more to building your own business than having a website to promote.

Truth #3

You will become frustrated and feel like giving up, many times!

I guarantee you will wonder why you even started doing this and it will happen many times. Building a home business can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming at times. That is when connecting with other business builders online and offline can help keep you focused. Join some networking groups so you can talk to others who are going through the same experiences and feelings as you are. Remind yourself why you started your own business in the first place. You can work through these feelings.

Truth #4

You will spend more time than you think working your business.

So many people believe that if they start their own home business they will only have to work a few hours a day or a few days a week. Sorry, but that would be a hobby, not a business. Building a business, at least for awhile, takes many hours a day, and a lot of times, 7 days a week! Be prepared to work, work, and work some more!

Truth #5

You will lose your confidence from time to time.

This still happens to me and I have been in business for almost ten years! If you feel like you are a failure, take a good look at the business you are in or the company you represent. Is this really the business for you? Do you have the passion needed to make this business a success? Don't be afraid to change your business. I had several businesses before finding the one that is truly my niche! You cannot let feelings of failure stop you from making your dreams come true.

Truth #6

Success definitely does NOT come quickly or easily!

As I mentioned before, you will need to work your business 7 days a week. It will be a part of you for the rest of your life and must become a part of your daily routine. I have seen many people quit their business for reasons like problems with their kids, or their spouse losing their job, or financial problems. These are the people that will not become a success. We all have these problems from time to time, but quitting our business is not going to stop them from happening.

Truth #7

You will need to market and advertise offline as well.

So many people mistakenly believe that if they throw up a website, post a few ads here and there, and gab on the email groups all day (call it networking), their business will be a success. That is so far from the truth. Networking is fine if you do not perceive it as chatting all day on the email groups. You need to get away from the computer every day and get out in the real world and market that business!

Join your local Chamber of Commerce, get involved in community events and activities, expand into surrounding communities! Pass out flyers, get business cards made up and hand them out to everyone you meet, talk to everyone you possibly can about your business.

Your website should be an extension of your business, not your entire business!

Truth #8

Building your own successful business is very rewarding.

And I am not just talking money. It builds your character, boosts your self-confidence, gives you a feeling of pride, makes you feel complete, gives you a purpose and much more!

Truth #9

There are a lot of wonderful people online.

One of the things I enjoy most about working online is meeting so many people from so many different places. Without my business, I would never have known these people even existed! Establishing all these online relationships is definitely one of the rewards of online marketing.

Truth #10

I would recommend to anyone who feels they have the qualities needed for success to go for it!

My intentions with all these truths is definitely not to discourage you from starting your own business, but to prepare you for the truth of what lies ahead. Success will not come easily or quickly. It is a long, hard, frustrating journey to success. But, if you want it bad enough and possess the qualities needed to finish the journey, success can be yours!!

And when you finally get there, you will realize that all the places you momentarily got lost or took a wrong turn were very instrumental in helping you reach your final destination! And you will also realize that it was all worth it. Owning your own successful business is very rewarding - personally, emotionally and financially!

Find lots more tips, articles, & resources for your home, family & business: Terri and her husband Terry also offer a low-cost, wholesale distributorship with unlimited support, and a complete line of ebooks & software with resell rights for only $1.00 each!


Internet Marketing Watching Your Return On Investment Roi

Writen by Anthony Kirlew

Before you set out on your journey of spending money to drive traffic to your web site it is critical that you know exactly how much you are going to need to spend and how that relates to what you are charging and your profits.

I launched a niche site once and it ranked very well for its related terms on all of the search engines. This seemed like a good thing at first, but I later realized that the profit margins were too low to continue to serve the people that were paying us for our services. For me it was a success because I was challenging myself as to whether or not I could out rank the current competition, and I did. The problem was that in order to maintain integrity, I now had to try and serve this new clientele and I realized that it could not be done reasonably as the costs were outweighing the income, especially when you considered paying a staff to handle customer service inquiries (even the paying customers were not profitable).

So how do you fix a problem like this?

1. Automation. The way to solve a problem like this is to automate as much of the business as possible. Over the past few years, I have automated much of my business activities and recently implemented a software solution that significantly improved the efficiency of one of my web sites - I am VERY happy about this; it is one of my more profitable niche sites.

A simple and cost effective way to automate a site is to find a related affiliate program and use the site to market the affiliate program. You will not have to handle billing, sales, or fulfillment, but you may want to handle customer service to make sure that the customers follow through with the sale as the affiliate companies normally don't do this. Also, this will allow you to maintain a relationship with the customer for follow up sales and building your in-house list.

2. Increase your prices. - You need to do some research to figure out whether or not your market can bear a price increase. Keep in mind that not every one needs to be able to afford your services, just enough customers to make your company's numbers work.

I hope that helps you in planning your online (and offline) marketing efforts. Remember, it's not what you make that counts, it's what you keep.

Anthony Kirlew is an Internet Marketing Specialist and a life long entrepreneur. Among his diverse business interests, he is the founder of The Web Traffic Team located at, an Internet Marketing firm committed to helping businesses increase their revenues, both online and offline, through effective Internet Marketing strategies.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Marketing On The Internet Building Brand Equity

Writen by Holly Odom

Marketing on the internet legitimately assumed a very important place among various managerial practices and strategic solutions that companies' executives resort to in order to boost sales and improve performance. The last decade can also be considered the age of the internet and computer technologies.

Only a few years ago many people did not know what the internet was exactly and few people actually used it on a regular basis for their work. Today it is hard to find a person living in our civilized society who has never used the internet. Almost everyone knows what it is and what it is used for, even though few people have a clear understanding of how it actually works. Nevertheless, the internet now is the mass media that has even more reach than television and the radio.

Long before the internet became such an important part of our lives companies realized that advertising in the mass media was the key component of marketing.

Even though marketing is a much broader area of business activity the purpose of it eventually boils down to selling more products to more customers at the highest price possible. Advertising in the media brings about information about products and thus the viewers or the readers who represent potential customers become aware of their existence. The marketing mix consists of several components and basically represents the overall offer that a company makes to a customer. It includes the four Ps that are product, price, promotion and place. Product and price are essentially the key components that define the offer made to the customer. The product is characterized by such elements as quality, features, reliability, design etc. Price is another component that determines that the perceived value for the customer.

Nonetheless, the price is usually set based on the overall features of a product. If a company has a great quality product then it can set a high price given the product is better than that of a competitor. Thus the first and most important thing is to have a product and then the second step is to determine the price. However, what also contributes to the perceived value for the customer is place and promotion. Place determines the convenience or the distribution channels that our imaginary company utilizes.

If a product is available at every supermarket or convenience store then it is more likely to sell and thus is going to be perceived as more valuable by the customer. Promotion is another important element of the marketing mix and cannot be ignored. Even if a company has a great product that sells at a reasonable price and can be picked up at any convenience store, it is important to promote and advertise the product so that people know that such a product is available on the market. The company must draw the attention of the customer to the product that it is marketing otherwise it might be not very far from defeat. At present there are millions of products out there on the market and people literally get lost when they enter a department store. Promotion helps people concentrate and focus only on the products that are being advertised ignoring the rest of the products.

The role of the internet in the marketing mix is obvious. Certainly, the internet can do very little to create a product and set the price. However, it can very much influence the other two components. Promotion and place are directly impacted by the internet. The internet offers a new distribution channel for a company because from this point on it is possible to sell the product on line and then deliver it straightly to the customer in a certain geographical area. Promotion is another thing that can be improved by simply starting to use the internet as a new means of selling and marketing products. As it was already mentioned, the internet is a great means of advertising in terms of its reach. Thus the internet can increase the perceived value of the product that is being marketed. At present it is common for any company regardless of the nature of business that it is engages in to add the internet into the marketing mix. Many producers as well as consulting companies view the internet as an important component of marketing.

However, there are various ways of utilizing this incredible resource. A few years ago it was believed that the advertising banners that pop up on the computer screen every time an internet user opens a new window provide a great contribution to the perceived value of a product. Subsequently, companies wasted millions and millions of dollars on such advertising. Later they realized that all that cash was literally burnt because computer users get so irritated by banners and windows that appear on the screen that they shut them down immediately not even reading the content. Almost all computer users report that advertising on the internet needs to be regulated and controlled because the unrestricted access to information and resources on the part of advertisers makes work unbearably irritating and slows down performance. At present companies do not waste any more money on useless banners.

I believe that companies should not use the internet as the primary means of marketing. I should not be used as a foundation. Rather, what the internet can do is greatly contribute to the overall image of the company. In my opinion a company that incorporates the internet into its marketing mix should provide some valuable service to the customer via its webpage. For example an imaginary producer of computer parts can provide in-depth information about its products and provide on-line support to all its customers by email. Also the webpage should give insightful information about the company itself and some news that may be interesting to the customer. In other words the website should attract computer users and not distract them. That is how the component of promotion should be addressed. The internet component of marketing should contribute to the overall image of the company.

However, companies cannot use the internet the same way they use television. On television the viewers are forced to watch irritating commercial because they cannot turn them off, all they can do is switch the channel. And that is what actually happens a lot of times. Similar approaches do not work on the internet because computer users can by-pass irritating advertising and close windows and banners. Therefore, companies must be a lot more creative and imaginative while advertising on the internet. Another thing that is done by almost every company today is selling products on line. Many customers perceive it as a great service because it is possible to purchase virtually anything without even leaving the house. This strategy is effectively utilized by most producers because it creates an additional distribution channels and thus increases the perceived value of the product. Customers perceive our imaginary product as more valuable because it is easier to buy.

Looking at the situation from a financial perspective, it is a common fact that most dotcoms fail because they burn too much cash and eventually run out of money to meet their current financial obligations. Analyzing income statements of internet startups we can see that too much money is wasted on ineffective advertising. Thus the expenditures incurred by dotcoms outweigh the revenues that they can potentially generate. A few years ago the stock prices of most internet companies went through the roof because people liked the idea of conducting a business activity on the internet. However, no one really knew how to value internet companies. That is why today most investors are frustrated and the stock prices of dotcoms plummeted to the ground. I believe that the main problem with dotcoms is that their financial models were not sustainable from the very beginning. Most internet companies required huge capital inflows hoping that someday they would help generate revenues. In addition, companies that do generate revenues waste too much money on advertising and marketing which is not a good thing to do given the fact that cash is badly needed to sustain existence of the business.

To illustrate, I would look at how Dell Computer successfully incorporated the internet into its marketing mix. The company sells custom-built computer systems on the internet. Its products are not available at any retail outlet thus the internet is the primary distribution channel for this company. The webpage of Dell Computer serves two purposes. First of all it is an online store that is used for ordering computer systems. Also it provides information on all products that this company manufactures and sells through its on-line store. The other purpose that it serves is building the company's brand and image. A great thing internet can do for a company is create a relationship with the customer. If this resource is managed the right way customers truly bond with the company. The success of Dell Computer lies in efficient management of the internet as a resource and means of communication, quality products and great technical support which is available almost anywhere. That is why people go and by Dell instead of buying some other brand.

The internet is a great resource that a company can use to its advantage. There are many companies that use it successfully. However, if it is not used appropriately it can generate losses for the company and even have a detrimental impact on the company's image. Thus it should be carefully incorporated into the marketing mix. For one thing it creates an efficient distribution channel and for another it is a very effective means of advertising and building the brand.

Holly Odom is a freelance writer currently employed by - on line Custom Writing/Research company. Having graduated from Georgia Tech in 2000, he started a career in writing and journalism. Past employers include (from June 2001 to Sept 2002), (july 2003 to Jan 2004)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3 Link Exchange Methods

Writen by John Simms

Link exchange is one of the many Internet marketing strategies aimed at:

1. Boosting Traffic
2. Increasing search engine ranking
3. Enhancing content
4. Taking advantage of Free Advertising on the Internet

It involves a website owner (link partner) placing a link to your website on his (an inbound link for you) and you placing a link to his website on yours (an outbound link from your site) It's a fact: The more inbound links you have, the higher your website will appear in search engine results pages.

The link may be on a dedicated links page, in the actual content of the website or as a banner ad / text ad somewhere on the website.

1 - A Dedicated Links Page

On a links page you can have one place for all your outbound links and one place to refer potential link partners. It can be easily managed using your Content Management System.

One thing to remember with a links page is not to accumulate too many link partners – your visitors will be overwhelmed with the bombardment of choice and possibly avoid having to choose; while a potential link partner might feel that his link will not be noticed amongst your other link partners. This is called "Link Farming" and is something to avoid.

2 - In The Body Of Your Textual Content

When having the link in the body of the actual text content, you are essentially recommending that the visitor visit that website, even if the visitor isn't conscious of it. Thus, this type of link exchange is highly attractive to a potential link partner. Of course, this is not easy for every kind of business – it might be easier for a magazine business to offer content to offer linking space, than it would for an accounting firm.

Some website owners may even pay you to include a link to their website in the body of your text content, not only because it is such an effective advertisement, but it also improves their keyword rankings in search engines (if the words you use in your content that link to the website owners site are considered keywords). Good example: publishes articles with links to websites in their content.

3 - A Banner Exchange or Text Ad Exchange

A banner is a graphic, usually animated, that serves to entice the visitor to visit your website.

A banner can be above-the-line (visible without having to scroll down) or below-the-line (you need to scroll down to see the banner). If you are not willing to pay a website to display your website banner, you may consider approaching a website to exchange banners with.

A text ad is a verbal advertisement linked to your website and also serves tp enticing the visitor to visit your website. It is not as eye-catching as a banner, but from a search engine optimisation perspective, you can enhance your search engine rankings by linking using keywords in your link.

An important aspect of reciprocal linking is trust – you trust that your link partner will reciprocate and that if he does, the link will be there in the future.

Choosing A Potential Link Partner

Here are two decisive factors you should consider when selecting link partners:

1. Competitive or Complementary?

Are you selling the same product or service, or can this potential link partner add value to the product / service you offer, thereby allowing you to indirectly increase customer satisfaction?

Of course, you should not link to a website that is totally unrelated to your content or your product, as this does not help you or your link partner

If you believe you have a winning product that your competitors can not beat, you might exchange links with them to prove to your website visitors that you are the best, by allowing them to compare – this is obviously a more risky tactic as you may not only be losing customers, but actually giving them to your competitors.

2. Quality Of The Website

What is you're perceived credibility of the potential link partner?

Are they worthy of being featured on your website? Can they help you offer more satisfaction to your website visitors?

John Simms is an Internet Marketer for Eiledon Solutions, a website development & design company in Cape Town, South Africa. Visit the website for more info.

One Niche Youre Rich

Writen by Lao Anthony

Have you found yourself wondering why you are overwhelmed? There is so much material on the Internet regarding Internet marketing. If a person tries to digest all of it at one time, they will will experience a bad case of online marketing indigestion. This is not a good feeling to have. I have had these feelings before as well.

The solution to this issue is to narrow your focus on one niche. You see it is much easier to become an expert in one area rather than two or more areas. I have made a decision to devote my time to making money on the Internet. There are countless ways to make money in this world today. You can make money in real estate, the stock market, by owning your own offline business and in numerous other ways. But the people who really do well in this world financially are known primarily for one thing. Bill Gates in known for Microsoft. Warren Buffett is known as a stock expert. Donald Trump is known for real estate. I am sure that they have other things that they focus on now but they are known as being experts in a certain field. What do you focus on? Many things or one thing? I am willing to bet that if your answer is many you are in a state of Internet marketing disconbobulation. Find something you like doing and become an expert at it. The trick is to find something you like doing that is profitable financiallly. This is the secret to making money on the net.

If there is a market for your product, you can sell it. Do a search on google and see how many results your area of focus will bring up. If you use keywords, you will get better results. The more targeted the results the better. It is easy to develop a product when you are an expert in that area because you know something that your buyers don't. You are the expert and they are not. They will pay large sums of money to acquire your expertise.

As marketers we must understand that our time is extremely valuable and the more we focus on too many things, the more time that is wasted. This time could be better spent focusing on one niche. It takes time to learn what your niche market wants. After you learn what they want, give the people what they desire. If your child wants a piece of pizza and you give them fish that would cause sadness in their hearts. They may cry and be upset with you. In the same way, if you give your target market something different then what they are asking for they will remove themselves from your list or no longer associate with you.

So use your time wisely and learn what your target market wants. Once you have determined what they want, if you do not already have a product created to meet their needs create one. Remember what they have told you and use the desires of their hearts as your blueprint to create an excellent information product.

Your job as the expert is to provide the answers to the questions that your target market is asking. You answer their questions with your products and you will be seen as an expert by them. You can also become qualified as an expert by creating a blog about your niche market. You can have your readers post their questions on your blog. Answer their questions on your blog and they will also begin to view you in a different light. This will prove to them that you care about what they have to say. People buy more easily when they trust the person they are buying from. A blog is a great way to create an atmoshpere of trust. You can also build a great deal of rapport with your market in this way as well. You can get to know your market on your blog and they can get to know you. An excellent method to implement to accomplish this is simply to be open with your life. Talk about your family and life on the blog and you will find that your market is more likely to talk about their family.

You now have a number of concepts to implement in your Internet business right now. The key is to go out and do them. You will be greatly rewarded if you do. One niche can indeed make you rich.

Much Continued Success,

The creator of "The Online Treasure Box"

This marketing gem is but one of many jewels located inside "The Online Treasure Box" created to enable you to create your own Online Marketing empire.

You can can get your "FREE Ebook" called "Perpetual Profits" along with over 12 hours of video footage "completely free" at:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Get Permission To Earn Income Online For Life

Writen by E K Gann

Today, the internet is an excellent media to reach out to the masses. You should really get to know your market niches. Focusing your marketing efforts to reach that specific audience and the ability to communicate with large numbers of people in a very personalized manner.

You should agree first that getting permission to inform, to persuade and ultimately to sell to a prospect is the way to creating business success online, and equally true offline.

Create a channel of communication, so you can turn a complete stranger into a customer. This can be in the form of emails, opt-ins, attention capturing websites etc.

The whole process will go through these stages:

Firstly, the business will have to grow over a period of time. Building a list of potential customers is time consuming. You need quality prospects. Target your prospects into your niche area. Keeping the flow of information to these prospects about your products and services. Get their attention.

Secondly, offer these prospects a reason to respond. Reminding your prospects to return to your website. Teach them more about the benefits of your products and services. Encourage responses and determine and shortlist their potential to convert them into customers.

Thirdly, monitor positive responses ( to ask for more information, know-how, ideas etc.) Offering additional incentives, provide closer rapport. Trust will be maintained.

And finally, getting into actions, turning in more sales. Having loyal followings who will expect to hear from you on a regular basis. You will be able to promote your recommendations at will.

The more you understand your potential customers and loyal customers, the easier it will be to offer them more products, information, services and benefits for which they are seeking. Getting into a position where you will be able to keep them happy and cater to their needs and learning more of their buying habits.

This approach adds a huge asset to your online marketing campaign, and getting you permission to earn income online for life.

About the Author:

This is E K Gann. My aim here is to work together and help others starting business online. Especially beginners who are facing problems and difficulties getting resources, and those in need for Personal Development in marketing, sales, self improvement, motivation, and continuing education.

Internet Marketing Is There Really A Way To Make Money Fast

Writen by Douglas Hanna

Let me first give you the quick answer to this question: No.

I do not think it's possible to make money fast via Internet marketing.

Now, let me tell you why.

I spent nearly 30 years as an advertising and marketing executive helping "brick and mortar" clients increase sales and profits. Since I retired, I have spent 18 months exploring ways to make money on the Internet and the only way I can find to do this is ... slowly.

In fact, I am now working with a company who tells the truth about Internet marketing. This company tells you upfront that success with its system takes time and effort. In fact, its "mascot" is a turtle.

This company will also tell you that the "secret" to Internet success is content. Content means a web site with many pages of helpful information. Search engines like Google just love content. To paraphrase Field of Dreams, "build the content and they (the search engines) will come."

If you have a web site and want good search engine rankings, don't think in terms of making money – overnight or any other way.. Think in terms of what information your visitors are looking for. Do you have a site on dog care? Then what about dogs are your visitors looking for? Dog nutrition? Dog toys? Obedience training? Doggy exercise? Dog daycare? Dog breeders? Create content built around these kinds of subjects and the search engines will come.

Be sure to also look for other sites that complement your site (but not compete with it) Again, take a dog care web site. Complimentary web sites would include web sites devoted to cats or other pets or dog dare products.

If you interlace your good content with money-making tools such as Google Adsense, you will make money. Eventually.

But it won't happen overnight. In fact, it may not happen for months.

But keep on track, keep building content and you will succeed.

Here's another good thought. If you're looking for a great place to vacation, choose Denver. Denver is unique in that it offers the best of two worlds -- the fun things to do and see that you find only in a big, sophisticated city, plus the breathtaking scenery, unforgettable vistas and amazing wildlife you find in our nearby Rocky Mountains. To learn more about the best Denver vacation, just go to Just go to

Douglas Hanna has lived in the Denver area for nearly 35 years and is an expert on Internet marketing and family finances.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

How To Start An Online Business Without A Website

Writen by Mike Rubeo

If you are new to Internet Marketing and finding it difficult to get started, you're not alone. You probably search the Internet for so long that you found yourself back at the same starting point, but with a lot of hype and information overload. Odds are your asking the same question, "How Do I Get Started?" Fortunately there is an easy way, and best of all you don't need a web site.

Many people think in order to start a business or sell a product they need a web site. The typical process would be:

- Find a product that can be sold or promoted. This can be anything from an affiliate program to buying resell rights or private label rights for ebooks or software.

- Build a website that requires finding a web hosting provider, design the site, and creating content.

- Promote the website and product by advertising, link exchanges and any other method that will drive traffic to your site.

If you take one part from each of the three processes above you will have: a product from joining an affiliate program, creating content for distribution, and promoting it.

The process now looks like this:

- Join a good affiliate program. This can be any kind of service or digital goods such as ebooks or software. After signing up for an affiliate program you will receive a link that will include your affiliate ID.

- Create informative quality content about the product.

- Promote the product.

The last step is the key on how to promote the product without a website. Instead of creating the content for a website, create it in the form of articles, blogs, ezines, or even an eBook. Here's how:

Articles - Write an article by creating content which is relevant to the product. The most important part of the article is the resource box at the bottom (see below), or sometimes shown as 'About the Author". This should include a short description of how to find more information for the product and include the link that points to the site selling the product or service. Once you submit the article, it will be picked up by web site owners looking for fresh content. Finding article sites are not hard since there are hundreds to choose from on the Internet.

Blogs - One of the hottest and effective method for selling. Best of all a website is not needed and it's free. Just create content similar to writing articles and naturally weave your links in the blog. Update the blog once a week and keep using your important keywords. Your blog will be distributed through feeds and will also be crawled by the search engines. If you do your homework, you may end up on the first page of Google by using good keywords!

Advertise - Many people may opt not to advertise because of the costs, but if you plan your advertising campaigns carefully, they will pay for themselves quickly. If your budget is tight, look for free classifieds ads.

Forums - Visit the online discussion forums where people in your target market like to gather. Post useful responses to people's questions, and include any links that you want to promote at the end of your post next to your name. You may be surprise at the results.

E-Mail Signatures - Create an e-mail signature with your name, link, and a short tagline describing the main benefit of your product. Set your e-mail program to automatically add your signature to every e-mail that you send.

These are just some methods you can use to market products with out a website. Start out with the examples above and learn how to create quality content and effectively distribute them around the Internet. Based on this knowledge, you can begin to build a solid foundation for your business which will help you make money instead of ending up at the beginning from where you started!

Do you want to learn how to make money online with the most basic internet skills, even if you have no product to sell and no experience? Find out more at

5 Essential Tools You Need For Marketing On The Internet

Writen by Larry M. Lynch

These five indispensable tools will help you to compile, respond to, maintain, track and otherwise gain control of your marketing efforts online. All of them are even available for free or at a very minimal cost. While you might be able to function for an initial period without some of these, ultimately you'll need them all if you're going to grow an online business. The "fabulous five" essential online tools include:

1. An E-mail account

The first essential tool is an e-mail account capable of handling large quantities of mail, large attachments and file sizes. Most free e-mail accounts aren't really suitable and many sites and group lists don't accept them. Google has by-invitation-only e-mail accounts that house a stunning two gigabytes of storage. ( Hotmail now offers 250 megabytes of free e-mail storage which in itself isn't too shabby either. There are so many others that just typing in "free e-mail" into a search engine will yield scores of sites including those from Netscape, Yahoo, Hotmail, Google, and Lycos among others.

2. An auto-responder

Initially, you also may be able to self-respond to the incoming messages to your e-mail account, but eventually, if your marketing campaign is working, you won't be able to manage all your inquiry traffic without assistance. That's where the auto-responder will come in handy. It will acknowledge incoming mails as they arrive with your pre-determined message, saving you, your business and your sanity. There are numerous good ones available at no cost online. Here are some for starters:

• allows to follow-up on e-mails. The program is free with no ads

• Another free auto-responder is downloadable at:

• A tutorial on auto-responders and auto-reply e-mail services as well as free software downloads is provided at:

• A free autobot is available at:

• is yet another good free auto-responder downloadable from the web.

3. A List server

Another essential tool for managing your soon-to-come throngs of incoming inquiries, requests and orders is your list server. As you build your opt – in e-mail list of contacts you'll need a way of sending messages to all of them at once. Announcements, promotions and special notices along with your normal touch-base e-mails will need to be sent out in a reliable manner. Maintaining customer contact is a marketing essential. Without some form of contact management database, you'll be swimming "upstream against the flow" in the management of your past, present and potential clients. It's all too easy to be overwhelmed. Later you may opt to install a contact management database like ACT! or Goldmine, but while you're growing your online network a list server will do nicely. Have a look at these:

• An overview of the principal list servers and their features as well as providing the download access pages for them is at:



• allows users to create their own internet newsletters in plain text or HTML, create mailing lists, RSS syndication feeds and is *free* to use.

4. A PDF compiler

If your products and services include distribution of e-booklets, e-reports, e-books or other online info-products, you'll need to put many of them into pdf format. This format helps protect your documents from copying and other pilferage and is an accepted industry standard for online document and e-book distribution. Free pdf compiler software, with tutorials, is available online at these sites:




5. A website

Although it's quite possible to market services and products online without the associated costs, programming and hassles of a website, ultimately it is an essential tool that is highly effective in showcasing your wares, whatever they may be. Aspects of getting and maintaining a website are too numerous to be addressed here. Information on free website hosting, templates and site management is only a few mouse clicks away. Free website hit counters, website templates and even no-cost hosting services for a website are at:

Here are more for comparison:

• Free web hits counter

• Free web hits counter

• Free website templates

• Free website templates

• Free web site hosting and utilities are available from:

Using these tools for building, maintaining, marketing and promoting online commerce at any level will be indispensable in marketing your products and services on the internet. This short list is certainly not to be considered all-inclusive. Whether you opt for these or other free or paid versions, you can use these five essential tools to boost your online presence and build your customer base. Hey, shouldn't you be getting busy?

Larry M. Lynch is a writer and photographer specializing in business, travel, food and education-related writing in South America. His work has appeared in Transitions Abroad, South American Explorer, Escape From America, Mexico News and Brazil magazines in print and online. As an expert author he can ghost-write original articles for your articles marketing campaign and content for your website, newsletter, blog or e-zine. His fees are $98 for 10 articles or $24 for 2 articles of 500 to 800 words each. Please e-mail him now with details of the website, newsletter or blog you'd like promoted and how many articles or content insertions you'd like at:

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hispanic Internet Marketing

Writen by Denise Schmeichler

What is Hispanic Internet Marketing? Internet marketing geared specifically towards the growing Hispanic community in the United States and in Latin America as well.

Why should you work to reach the Hispanic Market on the internet?

You'd be crazy not to!

The number of U.S. Hispanic Internet users is expected to hit 20.9 million by 2010, with growth driven primarily by Hispanic youth, according to a new report from eMarketer.

By 2010, there will be 3.3 million U.S. Hispanic Internet users - between 3 and 17 years old, 4 million between 18 and 24, and 4.8 million 25 to 34, eMarketer estimated.

In order to remain competitive, companies must gain a real understanding of the Hispanic consumer experience and purchase orientations.

Who should be participating in Hispanic internet marketing?

1. US Hispanic companies targeting US Hispanics
2. US American companies targeting US Hispanics
3. Both US Hispanic and American companies targeting Latin America as well as their own markets
4. Latin American companies targeting their own markets
5. Latin American companies targeting all markets that include both Latin American, US Hispanic and American markets

How does NetKlik help you to reach Hispanic Internet users? There are two primary strategies for targeting the US Hispanic market through the search engines:

1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We work closely with you to assist you in the best possible way on how to exploit the growing search engine market.

Our starting point is the keyword research. We provide you with a questionnaire, which is used as the basis for the keyword research. At the end of the process we provide you with a list of relevant keywords that you can use for your SEO campaign or PPC.

Our keyword research is based on actual keyword phrases being used throughout the Internet. You see, every time you type a keyword phrase into a search engine, that keyword phrase gets recorded. There are several programs available to webmasters so that we can obtain these keyword phrases. The results of this research is that we come up with a list of relevant keyword phrases that are being used by Internet Users.

Since Internet Users are "hunting" for your website, it's important that you have on your website the words they are using in the "hunt"!

This process is known as search engine optimization (SEO), and the results provide a client with much greater business opportunities that translate into better return on investment.

Contact us today at for more information about Hispanic Internet Marketing.

Denise Schmeichler is founder of and specializes in search engine optimization and website design.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Local Search Makes Your Business A Big Fish In Your Local Community

Writen by Lynella Grant

The Internet Contains Billions of Website Pages - All Clamoring for Attention

With so many competing websites, it's unlikely that yours could stand out among them. Until recently, you faced near-impossible odds. Search engine results lost the "little guys" in back pages, where no one ever looked.

But Local Search is changing that in a dramatic way. Small stores and service businesses are gaining additional revenue from being found by locals who went to the Internet before deciding where to buy (70% of buyers, according to research by The Kelsey Group).

Google and Yahoo are pushing hard to make their Local Search results as relevant as possible. (MSN is playing a catch-up game.) They're under pressure to work out the bugs, so this rapidly accelerating trend becomes more reliable.

The public wants to find information about products or services with the ease and speed they've come to expect from search engines. However, when people are ready to spend their money, they prefer to spend it close to home (where 80% of purchases are made). So the only suppliers they care about are those located nearby. A Google query for "plumber" that delivers 2.3 million pages does them no good at all.

Buyers are Driving the Popularity of Local Search

A person conducts a Local Search when they add a geographic term (like town, region, zip code) to their search engine query. The results (SERPS) only include businesses within that geographic area. For example, entering "Seattle + plumber" in Google only delivers a list of plumbing firms in Seattle. Those results are also displayed on a city map, so it's easy to spot the most convenient ones.

Unfortunately, not all of the plumbers who ought to be included appear in the results. Those businesses that are left out miss out. It's also a drawback for the searcher, when they can't find the information they're looking for. Unfortunately, too much of what they get isn't relevant to them. The quality of results are sure to improve as more businesses climb aboard.

Relevance indicates how well the information a person expects to find matches what they actually get from their search. There's still plenty of room for improvement. Even so, already Local Search queries make up almost 40% of all search queries.

The Stages of Business Local Search Savvy

You don't want your enterprise left out of consideration when customers are making up their minds. Many more buyers rely on online information than on traditional methods, like newspapers and Yellow Pages anymore. Make Local Search an integral part of how you connect with customers, old and new.

1. Get listed in appropriate data bases so your business shows up in search results. Find out whether your operation is already listed in key places.

2. A simple site supports the rest of your marketing efforts (but you don't need your own website to start with). Realize that it's not for making online sales, but to assist your being found - by the search engines, as well as customers. Even a small website builds credibility, and encourages additional traffic to your place of business.

3. Modify your website (if you have one) to rank high with Local Search. Learn how at Make your website useful, so it provides answers that your customers routinely ask about. Tell about your services, product brands and specifications, hours, payment methods, how to, etc.

4. Optimize your website for keywords and in-depth search terms. While a small business may show up in Local Search results, there's a marked advantage to being in the front of the list. For example, in search results showing 30 rug cleaners, those closest to the top/front are more likely to be chosen.

5. Build your website into your store activities and business policies. Make it an extension of how you conduct special promotions, develop customer loyalty, and announce new products.

Cause a Ripple in Your Community "Pond"

Brick and mortar operations are often delighted to discover that the Internet is sending a steady stream of new customers, with little effort on their part. Capitalize on the convenient ways to connect to customers online.

It's said that there are only three ways to boost business revenue.

1. Increase your number of customers

2. Sell more to customers each time they buy

3. Sell to them more frequently

Your Internet exposure can help you accomplish all three. It can also makes you a bigger fish in the pond where you live and conduct business. And that deserves your serious attention.

Copyright 2005 Off the Page

--Dr. Lynella Grant An expert in Yellow Page ads and Local Search. Stand out online and offline, so you capture more Internet-savvy buyers for your brick and mortar business. Free resources 719-395-9450

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What About The Hype Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed

Writen by Lama Kalla

There is a lot of hype surrounding Internet Marketing; stories of millions of dollars being made in a few hours and this mythical pot of gold available to anyone with a computer and an Internet Connection.

Does Internet Marketing live up to the hype, or is it all hocus pocus; rumors circulated by people with fragile ego's who are pretending they are making a fortune?

Like anything that is popular there is a lot of hype surrounding Internet Marketing. Some of this hype is inflated exaggerations of the truth whereas some of it is just plain untrue, designed to lure the unsuspecting into home internet business opportunities.

There are people online who are making an extremely good income from Internet Marketing with more people every day joining this crowd. It is possible for your home business to make you a small fortune, providing you plan carefully and work towards your targets.

As in any business there is a crest of the wave of new opportunities and ideas. If you want to have fantastic success then you need to be riding that crest and be ahead of the crowd.

The same happens in the offline world. Over the last few years there have been a massive increase in the number of Property and Housing based TV shows. In England they even have a channel dedicated to property renovation and restoration. This is an indicator that the wave has crested and that whilst there is still money to be made in that field, there is not as much as there used to be.

This happens online when you see a proliferation of, for example, made for adsense sites, or membership sites, or any other particular subject. When many people are selling these sorts of opportunities it's an indicator that the main source of money has no longer in using what they are selling, but in selling those sort of products to people who are keen to buy them to "make money" applying them.

In the old California Gold Rush days it was always said the real money was in selling the shovels to the thousands of gold hungry prospectors. It is the same today on the Internet. The real money is in selling the tools the thousands of money hungry webmasters want to get their business running and profitable.

Amidst the Internet hype there are some nuggets of gold if you know where to look and use your intelligence. If you follow the herd and chase after the gold then you may strike a lucky vein of gold or you may just find nothing. However, if you set up your stall selling shovels to the prospectors then your chances of making a fortune are greatly increased.

"Intimate Confessions Of Internet Marketers – The Shocking Truth About Making Money Online" ebook teaches you, amongst other things, how to identify that niche and set your stall up and how to leverage your skills to get the maximum return.

Lama Kalla, mentor, small business owner, internet marketer and author of "Confessions Of Internet Marketers- The Shocking Truth About Making Money Online"

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Website Marketers Enemy No 1

Writen by Michael Cheney

There comes a time in your efforts to market your website that you realise that it's no longer enough to tell your family and friends to visit your website - you need to get some people who will pay you in cash rather than compliments. You need to start approaching other website owners and start building an online network of contacts.

This is a crucial step to achieving online success. I once read a quote that applied at the time to conventional 'bricks and mortar' businesses but it just as pertinent if not more so for online businesses:

"You will not be successful by being a cave dweller."

Kind of obvious but there are so many business owners that are cave dwellers. Sitting in their offices staring at the phone day after day wondering why no new prospects ever phone them up. You have to stand up, open the door and get out into the world and shout from the rooftops about your business. If you're online you need to do the same for your website.

One of the best ways to do this is to establish reciprocal links with other relevant websites. But this is where Public Enemy No. 1 comes in - if you don't know how to bypass it all your efforts to contact the website owners and establish links with them will be in vain.

Those nasty spam monsters that roam the web harvesting email addresses from all web pages and then bombarding them with member enlargement hormones and get rich quick schemes have made it hard for you.

If you decide to try and email a website owner using the email address they make publicly available on their website you're already fighting an uphill battle. That email address is likely to be going through some form of spam filtering and if your email subject to this person has even a whiff of canned ham about it you'll be in that Trash Can quicker than you can say "$1million Ebay secrets".

So, what's the answer?

Well, for starters - don't be tempted to use software to do your links work for you. People like people. Not robots. Do your own dirty work. Also - try and find the name of the website owner and use that in your email to them.

One of the best ways to overcome the dreaded Delete Key when you are contacting website owners though is to use their online contact form. When they receive an email via the form they have on their website they know that a real, living, actual human being has filled it in and not some spam monster - hence - they're more likely to read it.

Good luck!

Michael Cheney is Author of The Website Marketing BibleTM. Take the Free 7-Part Course "Internet Marketing Made Easy" and get your free sampler of 'The Bible' here:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5 Successful Marketing Tips

Writen by C. Bailey-Lloyd

If you are seeking ways to market your site, but aren't certain about how to do so with little or no money, then here are a few tips that you may find quite valuable in spreading news about your site. An excellent way to relay news about your Website or organization is to:

1. PR Web is a superb venue for networks, websites, companies and many other similar organizations to create free press releases to the public. You may submit as many press releases as you wish (so long as they are not advertisements) and at no cost to you or your organization. E.g., "....Website ABC Introduces "The Marketplace...." and write a small piece on what you offer, where it is offered and how it could be helpful to others. Never list costs - as this is considered a form of advertising.

2. Go to; Free Press Release is another press release organization that offers the same opportunities as PRWeb.

3. Submit articles to several websites about topics in which your site engages. Always be sure to include a resource box that lists author name, and website link. Never include products or services in the body of your article, as these articles are all too often rejected. (Some sites where you may submit articles to include,, or

4. Participate in a reciprocal linking program that will list your site. The more resources you add to your site in this manner, the more your organization will shine in the public eye.

5. Attitude. Proficient communication is a must. When contacting potential clients, always maintain a positive and professional attitude. Be clear and concise. Always be cheerful in your greetings, and control the tempo of the conversation. Remember, the best marketing representation goes hand-in-hand with a friendly demeanor.

Finally, the finest technique of marketing is exemplified in the movie, "Miracle on 34th Street." St. Nicholas, is a savvy entrepreneur who displays the best qualities of being a successful marketing agent. Not only does he achieve a brilliant rapport with his "cliental," he manages to win over more customers by providing them with useful information -- even if it didn't come from his own employer.

Sometimes, an ounce of kindness -- coupled with the utmost professionalism, can make the difference between success and failure.

(c)Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved

C. Bailey-Lloyd in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

C. Bailey-Lloyd is the Public Relations' Director for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Providing resources for your Internet Marketing & Search Engine Marketing needs.

There Is No Magic Bullet

Writen by Chris Angione

According to the latest Hype, anybody can join almost any new marketing phenomena and earn an absolute fortune for doing nothing. The ads and sales pitches "guarantee" this fact don't they?

"Look at me, I couldn't spend the gobs of cash or drive all the fast cars and boats I now have through this new instant system I have developed. And I'm literally giving it away to you (insert name here) for only four EZ payments of $99.99. Say good bye to bills and hello to Easy Street! Act now, (insert name here) and lock in today or you will miss this one time only offer."

Hello! Please! It's time to stop this BS once and for all. If these claims had even a shred of truth to them, every 5 year old worth his or her salt would be reclined on a Mediterranean beach sipping a fruity cocktail with a toothpick umbrella while looking over their fat stock portfolio in calm retirement.

Give me a break, Please. And I say this with a definite sense of irony since I have fallen victim to more than my share of slick sales pitches like so many lemmings diving of a cliff.

I will say one thing to all who will listen: You do not have to hit rock bottom before you turn things around. You don't have to be beaten to a pulp before you begin to cover up and finally say,"Hey! I don't want to get hit anymore!"

It's a funny thing. We all walk around with this arrogance, this belief that we are the supreme answer to all questions worth asking. Then (If we are lucky) we get knocked around enough that we begin to see that if our supposed knowledge was boiled down, it wouldn't fill a thimble.

We begin to look at the phrase we were caught in grade school is the one truth. Knowledge is Power. Say that a few times over in rapid succession. Knowledge is Power. Knowledge is Power. Knowledge is Power. Knowledge is Power.

Oh, did I forget to mention, I know I get carried away sometimes. Knowledge is Power. Good, I feel better know.

Acquire knowledge, develop skills, take action, and you can actually write your own ticket. You can turn that thimble into a shot glass and then a tumbler and then a pitcher and so on.

But again, it is always easier to do nothing, as long as you remember to show up to someone else's job on someone else's timetable with someone else's agenda in uniform and on time.

The most important thing to remember today is not the easiest to swallow. We all want it to be true, but there is no magic, it will not happen overnight, and there is no one system that will skyrocket you to financial independence while sitting on your ass. Those people are lying to you. Let me make this absolutely clear: They are lying to you!

They want to take your money. They have nothing of value to offer you. You are just a wallet, and when that wallet is empty you do not exist to them anymore.

I have to apologize, maybe my words are a little bitter, but I still keenly remember that when I was finally completely out of money, all they wanted to do was then take my stuff away.

O.K. I don't know you, but I'm going to tell you a little about where I came from. I am the son of a high school teacher and a publishing exec, two of the most intelligent people I have ever met. In turn I was so arrogant that I figured this would just rub of on me and I would, by default, be so smart that I didn't have to work for it.

I challenged my teachers throughout my schooling and fought everyone's advice during my adolescence and beyond. I'm am not proud of this fact but I feel that if it is just my penance for being so utterly stupid than every word of this story is gold to me.

Maybe in some way I have some of their guiding spirit in me that I feel I need to help in any small way I can. No one deserves to have such a hard go of it when all it takes is to add a little humility into their personality and quietly take direction. Especially, when just a little is all it takes.

Christopher is an independent internet marketer who has admittedly made all the classic and not so classic mistakes. He now shares advice from internet marketing greats through his site He can also be contacted via email:

Monday, May 19, 2008

Succeeding In The Rapidly Changing Internet Marketing World

Writen by David Keegan

The world of internet marketing is changing so quickly that you may find your head spinning. Do you find yourself saying things like:

If we had only known that niche marketing was going to be so wildly popular we would have focused on that instead of MLM.

If we had only known that Google was going to change its algorithm and the rules of AdWords were going to change we would have...

Do yourself a favor and stop beating yourself up! You are not alone. It is a safe bet that the only constant in internet marketing will be change! The plethora of new product offers that are constantly dropping into your email inbox are proof of that. You know Google will keep changing its algorithm and new search engines may even challenge Google someday.

Here are a few tips to avoid getting overwhelmed by this constant sea of change.


Know that to have long-term success in internet marketing, you can't just rely on luck. This is a serious profession which requires serious study. There are techniques which work and some that won't. In this respect, internet marketing is like any other profession.

Due to this rapid rate of change, you can't allow yourself to become complacent. There are always new materials, new techniques and ideas to evaluate.

Most of us learn either from recognized experts in our field or from peers or from our own experience. One great way to pick up information is by participating in internet marketing forums. These are like online classrooms where you can ask questions and participate in healthy exchanges between marketers of all experience levels. While participating in the forums, you'll probably pick up some traffic to your website as a nice by-product!


During a presidential campaign in the not too distant past, one candidate was accusing the other of being 'a waffler'. This term could be applied to countless people who can't seem to decide what to market next. They get excited and start with a product or system, investing lots of time and money in getting it up and running. It could be anything from e-books sold on mini-sites to selling on eBay to AdWords.

Then, one day they hear of another new system (probably one created by someone who claims "the gurus are angry with me for giving away all their secrets..."). Easily discouraged by their lack of results with the first opportunity, they put that to the side and try the new one. This can quickly turn into a cycle where they try something for a short time, get discouraged, throw it away and try the next thing.

This is a very costly way of doing business. The nature of the internet business is that it takes time to build momentum. So, you must give your investment time to bear fruit.


If you are guilty of chasing too many ideas at once, take time to regroup. Make a list of all of the products or ideas you have. From this list, determine which of these it will be feasible for you to pursue. This is going to depend, at least in part, on your level of knowledge with the product and what your interests are. Work with your strengths. It is more time-efficient for you to focus on a product or idea which you know inside-out, rather than investing yet more time on a new idea that you just became familiar with.

Next, devise an achievable plan. Focus on this ONE thing you've chosen and set a realistic timeline to achieve results. Don't be in a hurry. If you have a 'day job', realize that the time you have to devote to your internet venture is limited. The important thing is for you to work at a steady pace until your idea takes hold and the money starts flowing in. That will give you the energy to continue.


Navigating through the changing seas of the internet marketing game requires discipline. Make sure you are a continual learner, but at the same time, don't try to apply too many of those ideas at once!

Dave Keegan's 'Push Button Income' web site at offers resources to help you build a successful internet business. While visiting, don't forget to sign up for his *free* 5-part newsletter entitled "Online Advertising for the Completely Clueless".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Is It Possible To Work From Home And Earn Good Money

Writen by Linden Huckle

Why work from home?

I'm sure everyone can think of a thousand reasons why?

Is it possible to work from home and earn good money?

My wife and I started our family 5 years ago, from the day my first child was born I wanted to work from home, so began my journey to find the perfect home business.

I looked at hundreds of opportunities, I chose to become a Multi Level Marketer, the company I joined was amazing, the products were awesome and I still use them today, but, I was spending more and more time away from home, exactly the opposite to what I was looking for. Prospecting, presenting in other peoples homes, training courses, it was crazy.

Was this really what I wanted? No!

I then started to look at Internet Marketing, wow! This blew me away, the size of this market is mind blowing, but even more astounding is the speed at which the internet is growing.

The Internet has turned planet Earth into a monster market, where you can, share, buy, sell, trade, gather information, etc, etc. You can do business with people on the other side of the planet with a click of a mouse switch!

WOW! And people still don't get it! IT'S HUGE.

I believe some of the greatest opportunities in the world are online!

All you have to do is decide what business or indeed businesses you would like to play with, because remember, life is short, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it, I class my work as play because I enjoy it. If you're not happy sitting in front of a computer for hours and hours then this business is not for you.

There are thousands of opportunities on the internet, but be careful, some are fantastic, but there are a lot more that are just out and out NASTY!

Choose wisely, if you do decide to build a business online, I wish you the best of luck.

Keep Dreaming and NEVER QUIT Linden Huckle

Linden has been in marketing, traditional and online for several years, he believes that the speed the internet is growing, everybody should be considering building their business online. The Truth - About making money online - 100% FREE Send a blank email for my 'How to make money online' FREE course

Evaulating Web Site Performance

Writen by Zaak OConan

Setting up a website is the very first step of an Internet marketing campaign, and the success or failure of your site depends greatly on how specifically you have defined your website goals. If you don't know what you want your site to accomplish, it will most likely fail to accomplish anything. Without goals to guide you in developing and monitoring your website, all your site will be is an online announcement that you are in business.

If you expect your site to stimulate some form of action, whether it is visitors filling out a form so a representative can contact them, or purchasing a product, there are steps you can take to insure that your website is functioning at peak efficiency. One of the first indicators of how well your site is working for you is finding out the number of visitors in a given period of time. A good baseline measurement is a month in which you haven't been doing any unusual offline promotional activities.

However, just because hoards of people have passed through your gates does not mean your site is successful. Usually, you want those visitors to actually do something there. It is equally important to monitor the number of visitors to your site who made a purchase. This figure is called the site conversion rate, and it is an essential element of the efficacy of your website.

To find the site conversion rate, take the number of visitors per month and figure out the percentage of them that actually performed the action your site is set up for. For example, if you had 2,000 hits to your site, but only 25 of them purchased your product, your site conversion rate equals 1.25%. To get this figure, take your number of visitors and divide that figure by the number of visitors who made a purchase. Then divide that result by 100 (25 ?00 X 100).

If your website is set-up to get visitors to fill out a form, make sure to then figure out what the difference is between your site conversion rate and your sales conversion rate. This is because not everyone who fills out your form will actually become your customer. However, whether your site is set-up to sell a service or product, or to get the visitor to fill out a form, the site conversion rate will measure the success or failure of your website whenever you make changes to the site.

You may find that you need to implement some additional marketing strategies if you find that traffic to your site is extremely low. There are several effective methods to improve the flow of traffic to your website, particularly launching a search engine optimization campaign. This campaign is targeted at increasing your position in search engine results so that consumers can find your pages faster and easier. You can either research the steps you need to take to improve your search engine rankings, or employ a search engine optimization company to do the work for you. In either case, after your have improved your search engine positions, make sure you keep on top of them by regular monitoring and adjusting of your efforts to maintain high positions.

Another factor to examine is how easy it is for a visitor to your website to accomplish the action the site is set-up for. For example, if your goal is for the visitor to fill out a form, is this form easily accessible, or does the visitor have to go through four levels to get to it? If it's too difficult to get to, the customer may just throw in the towel and move on to another site. Make sure your buttons are highly visible, and the path to your form or ordering page quickly accessible.

Finally, have a professional evaluate the copy on your website. The goal is, of course, to get your visitor to make a purchase or fill out your form. Website copy must be specifically geared to your online campaign and not just a cut and paste job from your company brochure. The right copy can make the difference between profit and loss in your online campaign.

Zaak O'Conan discovers and presents information on to enhance your site, newsletter, marketing and other Internet related topics. You'll find his other articles that expand your horizons at

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Building Consumer Confidence Builds Sales

Writen by Diane Hughes

Many small online business owners have yet to understand the sheer power that comes from building consumer confidence. They struggle with sales month after month, but still, when someone tells them their site design needs help, they get offended. "I spent a lot of time building my own site!" is the reply.

Here's my reply... "So what?"

It doesn't matter who designed your Web site. If it isn't cutting it, then it's time to move on.

On the Web, we have about seven seconds to accomplish ALL of the following:

1) Relay the message "Rest Easy" instead of "Get Out of Here NOW!"
2) Build consumer confidence through words and images.
3) Gain the attention of the visitor.
4) Make a lasting impression.

That's a lot to ask from a site. But professional Web designers have the skills and talent to deliver.

How do you know if your site design is the cause of your suffering? How do you know if your visitors are rolling their eyes instead of smiling? Ask!

Ask questions

Is the quality of your Web site design as good or better than your competition? Visit your competitors' sites and see for yourself. If they are portraying a more confident image than you, chances are good that you need a redesign.

What do your visitors think? Conduct a survey and find out. You can use a simple and free tool found at to set up a survey. Post a link to the survey on your home page so your visitors can offer their opinions.

Be honest with yourself

Whether you designed your own site or your cousin's 16-year-old nephew did it, you have to dump your pride and focus on your site design from a business prospective.

Don't shrug off what others tell you about your site design. Taking offense will only hinder your business growth and cause you to maintain an image that discourages consumer confidence in you and your business.

When you get honest feedback about your site design, be honest with yourself and look at the information logically instead of emotionally.

Take action!

If you find that you do need a site redesign, don't pout. Take action! Start reviewing Web site designers' sites. Contact a few designers and ask for quotes on your project.

If you have the skills to follow someone else's work, you can save money by having the designer create one page. You can then set up the remainder of the site yourself.

Ignoring the fact that your site design is causing a decrease in sales is simply not smart business. Taking measures now to change your online image is the first step to impressing your visitors and boosting your cash flow in the years to come.

Copyright 2005 Diane Hughes

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

Friday, May 16, 2008

5 Step Ad Formula Secrets

Writen by Richard Fewster

Okay you have got the products, the website and even a few visitors but still your not making sales. Well now is the time to reconsider the product with an open mind and investigate were will you find customers who want what you have to sell. So investigate what ad headlines and content other people are using in there ads and note down the best one's. Make sure tho your ads are unique so your product or service stands out from your competitors and not just a clone of what everyone else is saying or selling.

5 Step ad Formula

  • 1)Grab ATTENTION by creating a killer headline like Slam Dunk the competition like Michael Jordan!

  • 2)INTEREST Capture the readers interest with tantalizing free offers,reports and benefits NOT features.

  • 3)DESIRE Make the reader feel the need for the benefits of the product or service.

  • 4)ACTION Compel the reader to Act by making it a limited, time sensitive bargain they can't refuse.And make it as easy as possible to place an order.

  • 5)TEST Keeping track of your ads and testing what works and what doesn't work, this is a major key to success!

    Implement These Strategies and your ad's will get noticed like a Bikini Clad Cindy Crawford.

    NB Also helps to remember "To keep it Simple Stupid" and this will help you to be successful!

    Richard Fewster is the owner of WebSite Marketing Portal
    An online marketing portal, e-zine and safelist. Im also Marketing and Home Income Team affiliate member.

  • Thursday, May 15, 2008

    The Real Secret To Finding Hot Niche Markets

    Writen by Mark Kessler

    Finding a niche market is simple. Finding a PROFITABLE niche market is a little harder, but it's still easy once you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you will end up like 90% of the other niche marketers out there who spend weeks or months on a niche market only to find out there is no money to be made there. Luckily I will reveal the secrets to finding a profitable niche market later in this article.

    There are literally hundreds of ways to find niche markets. You can spend your time searching for popular keywords using tools such as Wordtracker, or you can walk around your local bookstore looking for common book topics. I've tried both of these options when I first got started in niche marketing, and let me tell you, I lost the most money when I picked a topic that way. Why? Well, it's simple. Just because people are searching for a keyword or phrase online or because there are a bunch of hard copy books on a topic, it doesn't mean those markets will buy your products online.

    Have you ever heard the advice "Target a niche market you are passionate about"? What a bunch of garbage that piece of advice is. It doesn't matter how passionate you are about a topic, if people in that market don't buy products online, YOU WILL FAIL and fail miserably.

    Here are 2 ways to find cash generating, starving niche markets that you have probably never seen before...

    1) Ebay - the unlimited supply of niches. Everyone has heard of ebay, but few people think to go to ebay to find a niche market. You would have to be crazy NOT to use ebay to find a market. This is one of the only places you can go and see exactly what people are buying in real time. Here is how you do it.

    First, go to ebay's main page at At the bottom of the left column of links, click on the link that says "All Categories". When you get to the next page, click on the link at the bottom right of the categories that says "See All Categories".

    What you have just done is list every product currently for sale on ebay, but even more importantly, you can see HOW MANY products are for sale in each category. There are literally thousands of categories of niche topics right in front of your eyes, and you can see how popular each one is in just a couple clicks.

    I just clicked "See all Antiques categories..." and I uncovered several hundred niche markets within the antiques category.

    This is what niche marketing is all about. The category "Antiques" alone is too broad. If you go after this one, you will fail, however if you go after a sub niche such as "Asian antique bowls" or "Antique sterling silver flatware", you greatly increase your success rate.

    Then, go to and see just how flaming hot they are.

    2) The next way to find a popular niche market is by going to the website From the homepage, there is a link that says "Browse All Interests". The website will then list hundreds of topics in which people signed up to be a part of a group. It also lists how many people joined each group, or "niche market" if you will. Who would have thought there would be a group of over a thousand people crazy about scooters? I found this niche market under the automotive category.

    Using these two methods, you should be able to uncover hundreds of niche topics to begin targeting immediately. Once you find a niche market you want to build your business around, the next step would be to learn how to develop products these markets will knock each other over trying to buy.

    Mark Kessler offers a FREE 34 page report where you'll "Discover The Most Simple, But Extremely Powerful System that reveals the 4 secret steps you need to achieve maximum niche profits!" your copy is at

    Three Things That Matter In Internet Marketing

    Writen by Alex Dupris

    There is an old saying in real-estate. There are three things that matter: Location, location, and location!!!" Making money online is exactly the same; it's all about locating your site high on the list of search engines. This article will explain the basics of getting good search engine placement, which will ultimately drive traffic to your site making your online business successful and profitable!

    Too many people get drawn into trying to optimize their site too early, instead spend time trying to get traffic to your site. If you put a business in a good location people will shop there because it's convenient. But if the location is bad enough, no matter how well organized a store may be, it will fail. Like a brick and mortar store, no matter how well engineered your webpage happens to be, it will never be profitable unless you can drive lots of traffic to it. And conversely, a poorly designed site that attracts large traffic volumes will rake in substantial earnings. Postpone optimizing your sites to make the most out of each visitor until you have enough visitors to judge what methods are most effective.

    You'd be mistaken to think that it is merely an analogy to say that location is crucial for both internet business and brick and mortar businesses alike. Although your internet business is not constrained by the physical aspects of the real world, its location is just like and as important as a physical location. For example, it is good for a jewelry store to be located in or near a mall because the mall attracts people who are interested in fashion. Shoppers are really at the mall to buy clothes, however they're also likely to buy jewelry to complete their new outfit! If you've been reading into the details you've found that there are two important factors in making the mall an ideal location for a jewelry store. First is the close proximity to other stores. The people who ended up in the jewelry store didn't necessarily go to the mall to buy jewelry, but they stopped in because of the convenience factor. And secondly is the close relation of the types of stores in the mall. The type of shopper the mall attracts to buy a new outfit is exactly the type of shopper who is inclined to buy jewelry. Both the clothing store and the jewelry store benefit from each other.

    Search engines use what is called Page Ranking to determine how valuable your website's location is. Page ranking works by counting the number of incoming links to your site, as well as how popular the site making the link happens to be. If your webpage has only a few links, this is analogous to your store being located out in the countryside. If your webpage has lots of incoming links, this means you're getting closer to the prime real-estate. However, a lot of incoming links from unpopular websites will not help you. This is like opening a jewelry store in a floundering mall. Sure there are lots of related stores, but they are no shoppers! Also, lots of incoming links from unrelated sites is like opening your jewelry store next to a chain of hardware stores. You won't get the targeted traffic you want and search engines look for this. Ultimately you need to locate yourself close to lots of similar online stores by getting links from related websites.

    Most internet marketers intrinsically understand that consumers will search no more than the top few search engine results. If you want to make lots of money, this is where you'll have to be. But how can you increase your webpage's page rank and popularity? Lot's of people will tell you that you need good keywords and to perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While the use of keywords and SEO are important, your webpage must ultimately provide something valuable to the internet community. You cannot simply list a set of keywords and expect to drive potential customers to your website. You must network with sites that are related to your website, and provide the customer with information related to the keywords in your site.

    How do you get links to your website? You can either buy them, or you can trade for them. Although paying for links is extremely effective there are two caveats you must know about. Page ranks can be faked and you can get links for free. There is quote from John Wanamaker. "Half the money I spend on marketing is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." Before wasting any money buying a link, be sure to use a service such as Alexa to determine how popular a website actually is. This way you don't throw away any money. Also consider that in exchange for writing this article I will gain some number of links to my website, there are ways to market your site for free.

    Alex Dupris Maintains, a site dedicated to helping people make money online without getting scammed.

    Wednesday, May 14, 2008

    My Weekend With Derek Gehl From 25 To 60 Million And Counting

    Writen by Jill Koenig

    I just got back from a weekend with Derek Gehl, President of the hugely successful Internet Marketing Center.

    So far, IMC has sold $60 million in products online. Not bad for a business that was started by Corey Rudl with $25 in a tiny bedroom in Canada. IMC's entire business is based upon helping people earn money on the internet.

    Derek always starts off his two day seminars with a bang, covering none other than... GOALS. He knows you can have all the information in the world, and great ideas, but if you don't have a plan with direction, desire and targets, then the information is rather useless.

    Not many people know the story about how Derek came to be a part of IMC's success story.

    One fall morning back in 1998, Derek Gehl marched into Corey Rudl's tiny office and announced that he was going to come and work for Corey. Seeing as how Corey only had ONE employee at that time (his secretary), he politely explained to Derek that he was a one-man operation, and tried to send him on his way...

    But Derek didn't give up that easily. He sat down and explained to Corey why he wanted to be his first employee -- and exactly what he would be able to do for him. And after a 3-hour long conversation ...

    Corey decided to give him a shot and Derek became his right hand man.

    This became a crucial decision because on June 5, 2005, Corey Rudl was killed in a car accident at the age of 34.

    Derek was chosen to take the reigns at IMC and in his first year at the helm has done an amazing job at moving the Corey's mission forward, creating 10 new products, increasing business, and overcoming a situation that would have destroyed many companies. He did all this despite his feelings of sadness over the loss of his friend.

    Derek has an amazing ability to set goals, create actionable plans and carry through on them. Sometimes focusing on your goals is what gets you through the tough times.

    Derek's greatest strength is his ability to almost instantly develop a workable action plan for just about any business.

    He has an uncanny knack for knowing WHY a business may not be meeting it's full online potential -- and then coming up with a long list of specific steps that the business owner can take to start improving things immediately! Goals are the foundation of his approach.

    Derek rose to the forefront and has become a greater leader. Corey Rudl was wise enough to surround himself with other leaders. Leaders don't want their peers to be dependent on them or fall apart when they are gone. They lead by example every time they overcome a challenge. They want their peers and proteges to develop the greatness within, step up and rise above every adversity.

    I'd say Derek is doing just that.

    Derek even gave me some tips and strategies to make improvements on my own web site and newsletter. Small changes can lead to amazing results.

    What are some small changes you can make today to get to the next level in your life or business?

    Do it... do it now.

    Live Your Dreams,

    Jill Koenig

    Jill Koenig is America's Top Goal Strategist. A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. She publishes the world's largest Goal Newsletter. For free tips, articles and helpful resources, visit: