A great Internet marketing opportunity which many web sites don't take advantage of, is to use niche websites with unique content to supplement their main site.
Many sites do not use this Internet marketing opportunity, but if you use it, then you will gain a significant edge in your quest for quality leads.
There are three key components in this strategy - content, niche sites, and distribution of content.
1. Content
Every web site should contain some unique content search engines will remove duplicate web sites from their indexes whenever they discover them.
The search engine's ranking algorithm is unique to each search engine, and changes monthly - search engines are continually fine-tuning their computer programs, in order to obtain the ideal search engine results pages.
This makes things difficult for SEO companies, and the best that can be done is to make sure the site has some original, good quality content, some of which changes frequently. This is in addition to the usual SEO and linking strategies.
Why many Websites don't get Top Rankings
One thing that spoils many web sites' chances of top search engine rankings is they cover too much ground with a single web site.
It's much better to have individual niche web sites that can dominate tightly focused keyword searches, than have a single web site that casts a wide net and fails completely.
Websites must be One Theme Only!
Some web sites are quite bizarre, offering music, diet supplements, adult products, dating, etc. when they should obviously be separate sites. How can anyone expect to beat a niche web site with a confused multi-purpose web site?
The way to get the top rankings on the search engine results pages is this keep the site as tightly focused on a single subject as possible, and do all the SEO stuff as well. As an example:
If you are selling plasma displays, then you should have a web site that only has content for plasma displays. If you try to sell plasma displays and LCD monitors on the same web site, you will not be as successful.
As soon as you also start trying to sell flat screen televisions as well, you make it more difficult to get the top rankings for anything but the lowest value search phrases.
This is the Internet marketing opportunity that many web sites are missing.
2. Niche Collector Sites
A collector site is a niche web site that's tightly focussed on a single subject. Because the site is on a single subject, it is able to get the top rankings with the help of SEO, .XML feeds, content that changes daily, and various other advanced techniques.
The niche collector site will entice visitors to click though to your primary site, with the lure of "more information", "free newsletter", "free gift", etc.
The end result is visitors to your web site, without making you ditch your content management system, flash, or whatever else is preventing your original site from getting top rankings.
3. Distributing Content for Huge Traffic Flow
One of the best ways to add content to your site is to add original articles, as the articles add themed content to your web site, you may see your own web site start to get top rankings, but this is not the primary purpose of the articles it's simply a fringe benefit.
Viral Marketing, the Key to High Traffic Volume
The primary purpose of the articles is to spread virally across the Internet. Each article contains a live hyperlink back to your web site, and anyone reading the article will be in a very receptive frame of mind to clicking the link to your site to read more articles why wouldn't they be?
You've provided them with some very well written information, which is of value to them.
Web site owners will host your articles to attract visitors to their own site, as your articles provide quality content. Your articles will also improve their own site's search engine rankings. You are also allowing them to email the article to their list of newsletter subscribers, and list owners are always looking for content for their newsletters.
The above Internet marketing opportunity is one that any company can take advantage of, and is guaranteed to increase traffic flow.
For more information on cost effective viral marketing strategies to increase your sales and bottom line profits, please visit our web site: http://www.internet-viral-marketing.com
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