Monday, January 12, 2009

Web Site Incentives And Visitor Optin Your Vital Followup Opportunity

Writen by Tim Genster

Carve this in stone.

Stamp it on your forehead.

Repeat after me...

"My primary marketing goal for my web site is to provide visitors with a strong reason to opt-into my email list."

Yes, you'll have additional goals and objectives, but this one is first. Always.

Why? It's simple. No matter how well your site is designed. No matter how well it is written. No matter how long or short is it. No matter how good your products or services are... visitors RARELY buy on their first visit.

They also don't remember your website for very long.

Sorry, but that's the nature of an environment where it is so simple to 'move on' to something else in a matter of seconds.

Think about it. How many times have you found yourself on a web site, and you had no idea how you got there. Now, add to that, what do you remember about the 6 or 8 or 10 web sites you visited in the previous 30 minutes? Not much probably.

Geez... that sounds rather hopeless doesn't it?

It can be, IF you don't have:

* A clear priority objective (getting them to opt-in)

* A compelling headline/copy to STOP prospects from clicking away

* A strong offer in order to earn their email address for follow-up

Even if they only stay for 30 seconds (and that's good), IF you get an email address, you have been successful. Now you can follow-up with them, invite them back to the site with an offer, and simply have a way to stay in touch.

9 times out of 10 this is how visitors become customers - by building a relationship sharing valuable information via email.

Now before there's any confusion, this isn't unsolicited email or SPAM, as it's commonly referred to. Remember, they gave you permission by opting-in. There is a MAJOR difference. In fact, it is THE difference.

On top of that, you will always provide in your follow-up email an option to 'opt-out' if they want. In this way, you not only play by the rules, you let your email list recipients know that you respect their privacy.

Tim Genster is a 20-year marketing communications professional, Certified 'Guerrilla Marketing' Coach and Certified Master Web Copywriter, based in Connecticut. Get his FREE, Proprietary, 34-Point Evaluation of your current website's 'selling power' at:

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