Friday, June 20, 2008

Ebook Review The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords

Writen by Sunil Rajan

Never before has it been possible to spend five bucks, open an account and have brand new, precisely targeted customers coming to your website within minutes.

But with Google Adwords, you can do exactly that. Now, let us first know what is Google Adwords?

What is Google Adwords ?

Pay per click (PPC) marketing is a miracle of the modern world. It has proved to be the most important development in advertising. In comparison to banner ads, link exchanges, buying space in e-zones, waiting weeks or months for search engine listings to show up, ADWORDS is a web marketer's dream come true. Adwords is the fastest way to bring new customers to a cash- hungry business.

Advertising on Google is not a cakewalk in the beginning. You can set up an account and get visitors in as little as seven minutes…. But a day or later, your bids get cancelled, ads get disapproved and you pay way too much for clicks.

Writing an effective and profitable Google Adwords is one of the most difficult, yet important tasks that contribute to the ultimate success in online keyword advertising on Google. Normally, nobody likes to write ads. It is a painstaking process that takes hours of tedious work. The only people who like to write sales copy are those really expensive copywriters that charge you an arm and a leg for it.

While Google Adwords were at one time a very easy way to get quick, cheap targeted traffic, its success has rendered it a bit saturated. To counteract the increasing prices, Perry Marshall has developed methods to get smarter and smarter about finding good keywords and using them to target your traffic.

Perry Marshall developed a comprehensive toolkit called 'The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords' detailing how to effectively use Google Adwords. This eBook will take you by the hand and lead you step by step giving case studies and personal examples, to understanding and benefiting from enormous power of Google Adwords. It helps the Internet storeowner to increase his/her traffic and sales easily and instantly.

First, let us have a little background as to who is Perry Marshall and why would you trust him to teach you about Google Adwords?

Who is Perry Marshall?

Perry Marshall (also known as Perry S. Marshall) has used Internet marketing to grow a quasi-start-up business 2000 percent, which later sold for $18M. Perry Marshall had sold millions of dollars of products on the web since 1997, when he was national sales manager at a hi-tech start-up in Chicago. He started advertising on Google before most people could do that. His clients' websites would go from zero traffic to hundreds or thousands of visitors each day overnight. Since then, he has become one of a tiny handful of experts on this new advertising medium. Now, he consults with dozens of companies in software, publishing, manufacturing and information marketing.

The reasons why you should trust him to teach you about Google Adwords :

  • He has been in the business of generating more business for years. While Adwords may be new, direct marketing is not & Perry has been in the marketing & promotion business for years.
  • He was one of the first to publish a book on Google Adwords.
  • As Googles is treacherous at first, it punishes uneducated marketers and rewards smart ones. So, Perry wrote a 5-day email course to help you beat the system fast. He discovered how to consistently pay less for your Google traffic than everyone else – while getting more clicks to your site. You can sample his expertise with a free e-mail course on Google Adwords and then decide if his expertise will be valuable to you.
  • Perry is known as 'Google Adwords King'. Perry has marketed products such as ebooks, computer hardware, health products and $50,000 software licenses. His articles have been published in major electronic and industrial trade journals. Perry's products include The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords, The Definitive Guide to Writing & Promoting White Papers, and The Perry Marshall Marketing System. The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords is a self-help course on how to drive more visitors and pay less for each one on the Google Adwords pay per click advertising program. Now, we shall see as to what is this product and why should we trust it in detail?

  • Book Description

    The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords is the least expensive of Perry Marshall's products, the most down to earth written, and by far the most popular.

    It is an excellent ebook and has the fastest way to beat the leaning curve, get new customers and put more dollars in your pocket. This ebook is 205 pages long and comes in a password protected PDF format.

    The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords arms you with a slew of powerful tools and ideas, including:

  • Fast-Start Guide gives a blow- by- blow example of setting up a real Google Adwords campaign for a real company.
  • A revolutionary, effective new keyword insertion approach that prevents your keywords from being put 'On Hold' and disabled.
  • Discover how to get traffic from hundreds of inexpensive keyboards instead of 10-20 expensive ones and get more visitors for less money.
  • Several specific strategies for dealing with Google's "no popup" rule – methods that are much more effective, and don't annoy customers.
  • How to use Pay Per click market intelligence to optimize your web pages to get FREE traffic from search engines.

  • Ultimately, this toolkit is not merely about Google. It's about squeezing the most dollars and new business from every person who comes to your website. Every thing you get is real – real companies, real case studies, and real screen shots. You can flip through the manual and get powerful strategies that you can put to work immediately in fifteen minutes. It even comes with a 3-page fast-start guide with a tidy summary of all the best shortcuts.

    Contents of the Book

    The Book goes on to detail:

  • A Real- Life PPC campaign
  • Managing the basics – Keyword Selection, testing & Statistics.
  • Making Your Traffic Pay – Conversion cheat Sheet, tracking Sales.
  • Tools, Tips & Tricks – Account Management Tool, cool Tips for keywords, Do Less & Earn More.
  • Your Questions Answered – How To beat The Competition, Real Q & A… and much more.

  • There are seven main sections in the Book:

    • Section 1 starts off with getting started and explains how to start your Google Adwords campaign.
    • Section 2 talks about keywords and the relevant keyword matching types. Here, he talks about how to organize your keywords into various ad groups.
    • Section 3 talks about ad positioning (the ideal position for your ad), tracking conversions and sales, value per visitor and the very important split testing.
    • Section 4 is a little section on tools, tips and techniques specifically on keyword generation, improving your ad copy with the use of capitalization and tweaking your campaign.
    • Section 5 is an FAQ (Frequently asked Questions) section where Perry provides answers to frequently asked questions.
    • Section 6 and 7 are pretty much bonus areas where Perry talks about using PPC to improve the world by promoting child sponsorship.

    Importance of the Book and why it is highly recommended

    To sum it up, The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords is an excellent Book and there are very few that go into such detail on winning Google Adwords techniques. This Book is more tailored towards the intermediate marketer who has already a couple of campaigns up and running and would like to improve on them. It really gives you an edge over your competitors and Perry goes into so much detail that you really gain a good grasp of the techniques he is teaching.

    In the book, Perry Marshall will walk you through the setting up of a campaign, and show you where the tools are to find good keywords. Then he will show you how to design a direct-marketing campaign around those keywords. You will also know how to eliminate false hits that can cost you big money. He will talk a great deal about writing good ad copy and little tricks that skyrocket your click – through rates. The only downside is not really a downside at all. It is that this book will take some thought and time on your part. It is not just something you read and implement in a day. It takes practice and testing.

    In fact, this ebook is the best guide to Google Adwords available. With the best tips and tricks to get the most from your advertising dollar, it is an essential guide for the Internet Professionals and perfect for the learners who are looking for the information at the right price.

    This ebook is not for the casual Webmaster. It is for the serious persons who want to analyze the market and apply a data- driven approach to maximize profits. It is simple, easy, fast and doubles profits overnight. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. If there is one expert who really knows his work in terms of helping real-world marketers refine their sales process for business-to-business, especially technology, it's Perry Marshall. Perry Marshall is a gifted teacher and a champion practitioner. What Perry knows about Google Adwords- and how to build a business with them- is very powerful. If you really want to drill down and focus on the B2B space, or get additional advice on how to make Adwords work for you in generating better-quality leads, then check out for Perry's 'The Definitive guide To Google Adwords'.

    Sunil Rajan offers reviews, advice and assistance for new webmaster interested in making money on the internet. His services are free as he provides assistance as a personal hobby. He enjoys helping those who want to make money thru his website His site contains information on setting up sites, how to make profits from them and how to keep an edge on the internet. Please include this bio when reprinting.

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