Sunday, June 22, 2008

Free Internet Secrets That Will Instantly Drive Up Your Traffic And Sales

Writen by Christopher Kyalo

The following 3 secrets revolutionized my life. For years I had tried everything I knew with no success. It didn't matter that offline I was a very successful marketing expert, online success remained elusive. The moment I discovered these three secrets things changed dramatically for me.

So why am I revealing them to you?

Good question. The facts are that lots of people are already using them and making lots of cash and keeping quiet about it. The thing about the net is that you can't keep a secret for very long. Besides I have plenty to gain if you remember me as the person who was most responsible for changing your online fortunes. It means I'll be able to sell you lots of stuff in future. The PR spin doctors will tell you that I am trying to position myself in a certain way in the minds of the public. For profitable reasons of course.

So here are the 3 secrets.

1) Well written articles People on the net are always ignoring this one. Boring plain articles will do nothing for you. But well written, useful articles with valuable information that solves problems will do everything for you. Many times I've posted an article at one site and then done a google search a few weeks later to realize it has already been re-posted in dozens of other sites. One sales enquiry I received today via email had a url link to the site where the nice man had seen my article. I'd never heard of it before and yet 1192 persons have already viewed it.

2) It's a numbers game When I first started using articles, I didn't think of the numbers involved. And a lot of people who may have posted one or two articles and forgotten all about it may be making exactly the same mistake I made. I wrote one article and sat back waiting for a response. I still got it (after about 3 weeks) but I soon got wiser.

You must have heard all those statistics about what kind of traffic a web site needs to be successful. All sorts of crazy numbers have been thrown around ranging from 500 to over 2,500 hits PER DAY. Now how does a site get numbers like those without spending the national deficit on advertising?

With articles it's no problem. Here is the math.

Supposing your article is viewed just twice every day at a certain web site. If you post the same article to only 20 similar sites, you'll have 40 hits per day. You need only 20 articles to get 800 hits per day.

And don't forget my point number one. If your article is half useful, they'll be a viral effect. In a few short weeks, one listing can yield dozens of other postings. If you add 12 to the math above you get 9,600 hits PER DAY.

The lesson here is that you have to keep on producing new articles and posting them all the time. I recommend a minimum of 3 new articles every month.

3) Ebay about me page When you add this secret to secret number one and two, you'll break the bank – guaranteed.

Ebay has well over 1.5 billion page views per month. There are well over 40,000 people who sign up for Ebay every day - Sunday included.

Of course there's serious money to be made from the auctions or by selling something with a fixed price. But you can profit on Ebay even if you are not selling anything. You can use the About me page to put in all sorts of information including a link to your web site. Just by learning how to do this, you can dramatically increase traffic to your web site or even to your posted articles. This highly targeted traffic is bound to yield sales for you, whatever it is you are selling.

I found Brian McGregor's ebook, "The Ebay Formula," extremely useful in helping me understand how to use Ebay to drive my traffic and profits. You can get the ebook by emailing me at the email address in the resource box.

In conclusion I would like to assure you that with these 3 secrets, you can make lots of money online, even if you do not have a web site. I'll let you into a fourth secret. I don't have a web site myself. Too much work and expense to maintain. But I make money without one. But that is the subject of another article. And besides, imagine what you can do, you who has a web site.

Christopher Kyalo is a writer/marketing expert with over 20 years experience. His free course on how to use articles for free advertising on the net is available by sending a blank email to He can be reached at strongwallafrica at

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