Thursday, September 18, 2008

Small Business Internet Marketing Tip How To Use Testimonials On Your Website

Writen by Casey Gollan

Small business web sites can benefit tremendously from the internet marketing strategy of using testimonials.

Due to the nature of having a web site, your customers may feel that they need a little 'proof' before deciding to buy from you. Because unlike a normal 'business' they can't visit your premises to get a sense of whether you're 'for real'. So the use of customer testimonials in your internet marketing and on your business web site can significantly help ease their skepticism and thus help you with your business growth.

Here's a checklist on how to do them for your small business Internet web site.

TIP #1 Your Testimonials Should Match Your Target Market

The key thing you should keep in mind when getting and posting testimonials on your web site, is that they should appeal to your target market. Your target market should read the testimonials and say to themselves "Hey, this person was just like me when they bought the product/service and look at them now. I want to be like them too!"

So choose testimonials that will appeal to your target market.

TIP #2 Have a Benefit Headline

The headline is the most often read part of the testimonial. So be sure to tell the reader the biggest benefit the person giving the testimonial received from using your product or service. If you write it correctly, it should be a benefit that your potential customers would want.

TIP #3 Include a Photo

A photo will increase believability. The reader will go to the photo and will judge the person in the photograph. They will look at the person to get a sense of whether they can trust the person giving the testimonial. So I suggest that you get a professional to take the photograph.

The more friendly and believable the photo is of the person giving you their testimonial, the more the reader will believe their testimonial.

TIP #4 Use The Name Of the Person Giving the Testimonial

If possible, ask the person giving the testimonial permission to use their name (and anything else you may require). Once again, your reader is looking for ways to doubt the testimonial, so by listing the name of the person it makes it more believable for them.

TIP #5 Have a Before and After Story

A 'before' and 'after' story is not essential, but if you have the room to write it, then use it. I find it good because it allows the reader to empathize with the testimonial.

The testimonial should start out with the 'before' section describing exactly what position the reader was in before buying from you. Then as the reader progresses reading, it should clearly describe the benefits of using your product/service. This of course should be what your reader (your target market) wants to happen to them. This will build believability, and they'll look towards you as an expert because "you've got the track record" for doing it for others.

TIP #6 Provide the Testimonials on Audio &/or Video

Record your testimonials if you can so that the reader can hear or see the person giving the testimonial. It will once again build believability in your product/service.

I suggest audio is a little easier to do than video, because you can record a testimonial on a phone. A video testimonial may take a little longer to organize and shoot – yet if you can do it, include it on your website.

TIP # 7 Have Lots of Them!

Have a goal of having at least fifteen testimonials. You could have more or less, yet fifteen is a pretty solid amount of testimonials. Essentially if you have around that amount of testimonials your target market should be overwhelmed with proof that you can do what you say you can do.

Use your testimonials in all your marketing both on-line and off-line. It's especially important with internet marketing because you have an 'intangible' business. The large majority of your potential customers can't visit your business, so testimonials help them believe in your business and trust you. And by following the guidelines and the examples I've listed above your get more from your web site and your Internet marketing which will intern lead to strong business growth for your small business.

Copyright © 2005 by Casey Gollan. All Rights Reserved

Casey Gollan, The Business Growth Specialist, the Specialist who grows $1 Million p.a. small businesses into $2 to $5 Million p.a. businesses over a 2 to 3 year period. To learn more about Casey's Business Growth Program, visit his site and sign up for 'The 23 Secrets of Business Growth' 2 hour audio program for FREE.

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