Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When Knowing It All Can Hurt Your Business

Writen by Susan Carroll

Recently I heard Kevin Bidwell state that these 4 words were 1 of the biggest obstacles that many online business people must overcome:

"I already know that."

I must admit that I really didn't believe him when I heard the statement because I've never felt that way and my readers are always sending me questions.

However, today I do believe him because I've now seen at least 2 other "internet gurus" make the same statement.

Since I am now a believer I decided to check and see what it was that other people already know and no longer need to learn about.

Here's a list of 5 things that people think they already know and no longer have anything to learn.

  1. They think they know what they're promoting and they think it's products or services.

    Wrong - products and services may be what people are paying you for but they are not what you should be promoting. You should be promoting your business.

  2. They think they know the most important thing they have to do make money and it's getting traffic to their site.

    Wrong - you do need traffic but more importantly you need to know how to make money from the traffic you do get. Having a site seen by 10,000 people who buy nothing is worth less than a site seen by 100 who buy what you're selling.

  3. They think they know how to use viral marketing - they give away an ebook or sign up for a viral advertising site.

    Wrong - True viral marketing is much more involved than giving away an ebook you hope will get passed around or adding your page to a list of others in the hopes that someone will actually buy your product when they sign up for the same viral site.

  4. They think they know how to use autoresponders because they have 1 set up to send out their periodic mailings.

    Wrong - Autoresponders are great tools and 1 of the most under used. Sending out a thank-you for ... and your broadcast messages are not why you set them up and use them.

  5. They think they know many ways to get traffic to their site because they do them.

    Wrong - While there are many good ways to get traffic to your site, using all of them and mastering none of them is not the best way to get traffic. You need to identify which sources of traffic you want to use and master those few methods before moving on to others. Successful online marketers work on mastering the traffic strategies that provide the most traffic with the least effort.

While I could go on and list other things that people think they already know about I think you get the point...

There's always more to learn.

So next time you catch yourself thinking, "I already know that" - Remember, you may know a lot about it but you may have more to learn to use or do it effectively.

To Your Success,

You can get more detailed information about the things you may already know about but aren't using correctly by reading this report. It's a quick read and contains some very powerful information that you can use right away.

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